10 Stretches To Help You Stay Limber And Agile As You Age

One of the biggest dangers of aging is a loss of mobility and strength. In fact, a 2013 study published in the Journal Clinical Interventions In Aging, found that strength and muscle mass decrease by between 30-50% as people go from the ages of 30 to 80. What’s more, people lose muscle at a rate of about 12-15% per decade after the age of 50.

Luckily, there are proactive steps you can take to stay healthy and limber as you age.

Staying Flexible Is Possible

Lots of people believe that it’s impossible to stay flexible as you age. Fortunately, this is not true. While it’s true that muscles atrophy and bones change as you get older, staying flexible at any age is as simple as incorporating just a few minutes of stretching into your everyday routine. In addition to helping you feel better, improving flexibility can also improve balance, decrease back pain, alleviate fatigue, and even help you feel clearer and sharper mentally.

10 Stretches To Practice As You Age

Ready to reap the benefits of flexibility in your life? Here are ten stretches to try as you age.

1. Front Hip Stretch

The front of the hip can get surprisingly tight, especially for people who sit all day long. To stretch it out and restore mobility to the area, try the front hip stretch. Here’s how it works:
Begin by sitting on a fitness ball.

From there, straighten your right leg out behind you and stabilize your weight by pressing your toes into the floor and raising your right heel.

Rest your hands on your left knee and use your arms to push your upper body backward gently. You should feel the stretch across the front of your right hip. Switch sides and hold for between 15 and 30 seconds.

2. Standard Chest Stretch

Like the hips, the chest gets tight from extended sitting. To stretch it out and improve your posture at the same time, start standing in an erect position. From there, clasp your hands behind your low back and gently raise your arms as far as you can. Keep your head held high, your shoulders back, and your chest lifted. Hold the pose for 10 seconds.

3. Standard Shoulder Stretch

If your shoulders are tight from exercise or sleeping awkwardly, loosen them up with the stretch. Start standing in an upright, erect position. From there, cross your right arm directly over your chest and hook your left forearm around your elbow. Use the leverage to gently pull the right arm into your chest, stretching the right shoulder. Hold the stretch for between 10 and 15 seconds before switching sides.

4. Side Body Stretch

Even if you don’t think about the muscles that run down your ribs and into your hips, they’re critical for posture and overall comfort. To keep them limber start by standing with your feet hip-width apart.

From there, place your left hand on your left hip and raise your right arm to the sky. Gently bend to the left, using your left arm to support your weight. Make a “C” shape with your body, stretching your right side body for 10 to 15 seconds before switching sides.

5. Neck And Shoulder Stretch

To stretch your neck and shoulders, move your arms in front of you with your elbows touching, and your hands pointed towards the sky, palms facing you. From there, place the palms of your hands on top of your head and use your arms to gently drop your chin to your chest and exert mild downward pressure on the top of your head.

You should feel the stretch in your neck and shoulders. Be sure that you’re not using too much pressure, or you risk injury.

6. The Toe Touch

Allow your back the opportunity to get long and loose by doing a simple toe touch. To start the stretch, stand with your feet hip-width apart. From there hinge at the hips and extend your arms down toward your toes, keeping as flat a back as possible the entire time.
When you reach the point of maximum extension, you can grab opposite elbows and dangle like a ragdoll to take the stretch further.

7. The Hula Hoop Stretch

The hula hoop stretch is a great one for anybody who sits for long periods of the day or occasionally uses a wheelchair to get around. Designed to increase mobility and loosen tension in the hips, the hula hoop stretch is perfect for seniors of all ages.

To start, stand with your feet together and your hands on your waist. From there, begin to circle your hips slowly, as if you were keeping a hula hoop in the air. Keep your back straight, head high, and chest lifted.

8. Triceps Stretch

The triceps stretch is ideal for anyone who feels tension in their arms. To start, stand with your feet hip-width apart and your chest up. From there, take your right arm and reach it over your shoulder, with your elbow pointing toward the sky, and your palm touching the back of your right shoulder.
Then, take your left hand to the ceiling and place your fingers on your right elbow. Exert gentle tension to deepen the stretch. Hold for 10 to 15 seconds before switching sides.

9. The Hand Stretch

The hand stretch is ideal for seniors who write, type, or draw often, or those who have arthritis in their hands or fingers. To do the stretch, start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. From there clasp your hands together in front of you. Once you’ve done that, turn your hands out so that the palms are facing away from you and the fingers are still interlocked. Gently push out, so you feel the stretch in the backs of your fingers and hands.

10. The Low Back Stretch

Perfect for anyone who wants to stretch their low back but isn’t quite ready to commit to a full downward dog, the low back stretch helps extend the muscles of your back. You’ll need a chair or table for the stretch.

To get started, stand with your feet hip-distance apart and your arms hanging loosely at your side. From there, bend your knees gently to prevent overextension, and begin to hinge forward at the hips.

Extend your arms in front of you and reach them toward the chair or table. At the full extension of the stretch, your back should be flat, and your hand should be on the chair or table, with a straight line from your arms to your hips and your hips to your ankles. Lean your weight back gently to extend the stretch.

Greater Flexibility Starts Here

Even if you’re not planning on taking up yoga anytime soon, these simple, at-home stretches are ideal for helping you stay limber, comfortable, and flexible throughout your golden years. They’re also ideal for anyone who wants to prevent injury, stay strong, and enjoy a higher quality of life during the aging process.

10 Ways Caregivers Can Stay Motivated in Providing Great Care

Staying motivated as a caregiver can be tough. In addition to the fact that you work long hours, being a caregiver is a difficult job.

Fortunately, most caregivers love their jobs and want to find ways to excel at them. That’s where these motivational tips come in. Ideal for helping caregivers get excited about work each day, this simple checklist can make it easier to love your job and avoid burnout, both now and in the long-term. Whether you’re a new caregiver or an old veteran looking for ways to stay involved, these ten tips can help: 

1. Remember why you’re doing it

Remembering why you chose to work as a caregiver is one of the biggest motivating tricks you can access. While working as a caregiver can be difficult, coming back to the reasons you chose to start the job can help make it more enjoyable. Any time you get stressed or overwhelmed, make a list of the reasons you started caregiving.

For example, maybe you began caring for elderly patients to help them enjoy their independence or maybe you did it because you wanted to see people smile. No matter what your reasons may be, checking back in with them can help you enjoy your position and navigate the hard days with ease.

2. Reach out to friends or family

When you feel stressed or unmotivated, reach out to your friends or family. They’ll be able to help you remember what you love about caregiving and make it easier for you to keep your head in the game. Even a short phone call with a close friend can make you happy and provide the touchpoint you need to keep serving your clients and fulfilling your duties. 

3. Connect With Support Groups

If you feel stuck in a rut in your career, reach out to caregiver support groups. Available through your local hospital, online, or through local nursing homes and assisted living facilities, caregiving support groups make it easier to connect with like-minded peers and find productive and intelligent ways to navigate the stress of the job and stay motivated to care for your patients.

They can also be a fantastic resource when you’re feeling overwhelmed or confused about how to move forward with your career. If you find that you drift in and out of support groups, that’s okay. While some people show up to them faithfully, others use them to fall back when times get tough. Either approach is just fine. 

4. Exercise

While many caregivers feel that they’re too busy to hit the gym, finding a way to fit it in is essential. Exercise helps you stay lean and healthy, and can be an excellent way to blow off steam and clear your head.

Regardless of whether you had a tough day with a patient or things are going well, be sure that you’re making time to be physically active. The more space you create for this pursuit, the better you’ll feel and the more efficient you’ll be at your job.

5. Start Each Day Rested

Good sleep translates to an increased ability to do your job. To make the most of your days and ensure you’re serving your patients well, get some rest. Things, like developing a consistent nighttime schedule, practicing good sleep hygiene, avoiding artificial light in the 60 minutes before bed, and prioritizing sleep, are essential.

Most caregivers work between 40-50 hours a week, and, without enough rest, this schedule is impossible to maintain. With this in mind, enjoy your sleep and make it a priority, since it will help you stay motivated for the task at hand.

If you didn’t sleep well the night before, try your best to fit in a power nap somewhere during the day. Even 20 minutes of slumber can make all the difference in your attitude and outlook. 

6. Brainstorm New Approaches

Have a difficult patient you can’t figure out how to “crack?” Don’t get discouraged. Instead, get proactive. Taking the time to brainstorm new approaches is an excellent way to make the most of the client/patient relationship and ensure that you’re serving each patient as well as you can.

If you’re having a difficult time making headway, or you feel stuck in a rut, talk with your fellow caregivers or head to an online forum. The more proactive you can be in addressing these problems, the more motivated you’ll be to excel at your job.

7. Develop a Morning Routine

Rushing through your morning and starting work stressed and frazzled is a terrible way to start the day. Instead, develop a morning routine that allows you space and time to cater to yourself before you dive into a day spent catering to other people. Wake up early enough to drink your morning beverage, read for a bit, go for a walk, and get cleaned up before you go to work.

This morning routine, combined with a nice healthy breakfast, will make all the difference when it comes to your daily motivation.

8. Set Goals

Goals are a great way to stay motivated in your daily life. No matter if your goals are big or small, setting them can help you hold yourself accountable. For example, you can set a goal to be more interactive with your patients, to stress less during the workday, or to eliminate time-wasters that make you feel frantic and hurried at work.

No matter what you do, setting goals is a great way to motivate yourself. Don’t forget to reward yourself when you achieve them!

9. Take Breaks

According to recent research, taking regular breaks can help you feel more motivated and focused at work. While it’s true that finding time to take breaks can be difficult as a caregiver, it can be as simple as a 20-minute break during the day or hiring respite care to allow for longer breaks throughout the year. No matter what you do, find a way to make it work for you since downtime is essential for caregivers who want to perform as well as possible. 

10. Take a Deep Breath

While it’s easy to find yourself feeling flustered, off-task, or distracted in your daily work, take a deep breath and re-center yourself. Although you can’t do away with stressors completely, you can change how you react to them. 

A Great Caregiver is a Motivated Caregiver

Caregiving is a challenging profession, and learning how to stay motivated will help you achieve better results with your patients and yourself. From taking care of your mind and your body to setting goals for your attention and interaction with your patients, these ten tips will allow you to be a more efficient, motivated, active caregiver – every single day. 

10 Lifestyle Choices To Promote A Healthy Heart

February is American Heart Month, and anyone who has been close to someone with heart disease knows exactly how important it is to keep your heart healthy and functioning well. While many people think it’s tough to keep a heart in great shape, the fact is that there are dozens of simple lifestyle choices that can promote a healthy heart and keep your ticker beating strong and sure for years to come.

10 Proactive Steps to Support Heart Health

Whether there’s a history of heart disease in your family, or you simply want to live a healthier, longer life, these ten simple lifestyle tips are ideal for supporting cardiovascular health and overall wellness.

1. Eat a Healthy Diet

Diet has far-reaching implications for all aspects of health. From supporting a healthy weight to decreasing the risk of diabetes and cancer, excellent nutrition can make you look and feel better. But did you know it can also help support a healthy heart?

According to the American Heart Association, a healthy diet is one of the best weapons in the fight against heart disease. Per their recommendations, people who want to eat for a healthier heart should start focusing on eating more leafy greens, vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. Low-fat dairy products and skinless fish and poultry are also recommended. 

2. Get Active

Regular exercise is nearly as critical as diet when it comes to creating a heart-healthy lifestyle. In addition to promoting circulation and increasing the strength of the heart muscle, regular activity can help lower cholesterol, keep body weight in check, and support a happier and healthier outlook on life. As if that weren’t enough, regular activity can also lower your risk of dying from or being affected by heart disease.

For best results, develop an aerobic exercise routine that includes activities like walking, running, swimming, biking, or interval training. Each of these exercises promotes optimal heart health and keeps you feeling great. 

3. Lose Some Weight

Losing weight changes your body’s balance of calories consumed to calories expended. If you lose a bit of weight, it helps your body function better and reduces strain on your heart. The American Heart Association reports that bodies in a healthy weight range circulate blood more efficiently, have an easier time managing fluid levels, and are less at risk for conditions like cancer, diabetes, sleep apnea, and, yes, heart disease. While eating well and exercising regularly will help you lose weight, it’s also wise to talk with your doctor to develop a unique weight loss plan that is healthy and sustainable for you.

4. Limit Your Alcohol Consumption

While it’s true that very moderate amounts of alcohol can have heart protective benefits, going overboard can have disastrous effects. To ensure that the alcohol you’re consuming helps rather than hurts your heart health, follow these guidelines:

  • Limit Your Alcohol IntakeEverydayHealth.com says that heart-healthy drinking is incredibly moderate. While a 5 oz. glass of wine with dinner or a 12 oz. beer can give your heart a bit of a boost, going over more than one drink a day will have opposite effects.
  • Stay Away From Sugary Drinks. In addition to packing excess calories, sugary drinks like cocktails made with syrup or blended margaritas can spike your blood sugar and wear down your teeth. Stick to beer, wine, or mixed spirits instead.

5. Stop Smoking

If you smoke, now is the time to stop. If you don’t smoke, be careful never to start. Smoking is one of the most damaging things you can do for your heart, and the effects are notoriously difficult to reverse. According to recent statistics, smoking is the cause of more than 440,000 cases of premature death annually. In addition to putting people at risk of developing heart disease, smoking also increases the risk of cancer and lung problems.

If you are a smoker and you need help quitting, visit the American Lung Association website for resources, or go to quit.com for additional support.

6. Keep Your Blood Pressure in a Healthy Range

While you can take blood pressure medication if you have chronically high blood pressure, it’s possible to keep it within normal ranges without medication, for many people. Many of the things that contribute to overall heart health will help with this, such as losing weight, exercising regularly, and eating a healthy diet. While high blood pressure affects 1 out of four American adults, it’s a major risk factor for heart disease, and should be treated accordingly.

7. Stress Less

Stress is one of those things that can have a disastrous effect on virtually all aspects of your health – from destroying your happiness and mental wellbeing to putting you at increased risk of heart disease, depression, and anxiety. To keep your heart healthy and strong, it’s critical to limit the stressors in your life. While researchers aren’t currently certain that stress causes heart disease, the correlation between stress and heart disease is clear – especially since excess stress often leads people to behave in ways that do cause heart disease, like overindulging in alcohol or smoking.

To lower your stress levels, establish a daily mindfulness practice or pick up a new hobby. Activity is also an excellent stress-management tool, as is maintaining healthy social relationships. Effective stress management allows you to take a break from the stressors that cause you anxiety, and focus on positive, healthy habits instead. Keep in mind that chronic stress or stress that is giving way to anxiety or depression may require an appointment with a doctor.

9. Start Laughing

They say laughter is the best medicine, and it’s true when it comes to your heart. When you laugh, it massages your heart’s endothelium, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, and heart attack. Laughter also increases blood flow and helps to manage blood pressure levels. Fortunately, laughing more is much easier than starting a diet or exercise regimen!

To keep your heart healthy and the corners of your mouth turned up, be sure to make time for meetings with treasured friends and family that make you smile. You might also choose to see a comedy show or watch a favorite movie. The more you laugh – the more your heart will thank you! 

10. See Your Doctor Regularly

In addition to living a healthy lifestyle, seeing your doctor on a regular basis is one of the best things you can do to keep your heart strong and catch any warning signs as they pop up. Remember that doctor visits typically become more frequent as you age, so be sure that you’ve found a great primary care physician that you’re happy sticking with.

A Healthier Heart Starts Here


In celebration of American Heart Month, people from all backgrounds and walks of life are pledging to take the first steps to lead happier, healthier lives – and now you can, too! With these ten tips, it’s easy to support heart health and enjoy a trimmer, more active lifestyle in the process.




13 Ways We Can All Counter the “Disadvantages” of Old Age

People have varying impressions of old age.

Some people believe that getting older is a beautiful thing and that it offers the perfect opportunity for people to spend quality time with their friends and loved ones. Some people, however, believe that aging is frightening and that people who are getting older lose their freedom and well-being in the process.

Whichever side of the aisle you find yourself on, it’s undeniable that there are disadvantages to aging, and many people dread it because of that. Luckily, there are several smart ways to combat those disadvantages and ensure that aging is as graceful and enjoyable as possible.

Read on to learn more.

13 Ways to Beat the “Disadvantages” of Getting Older

Aging, just like anything else, is a battle of mind over matter.

While it’s true that we can’t prevent certain chronic diseases by maintaining a positive outlook, it’s also true that we can make the process of aging much more enjoyable and civil by maintaining a sense of optimism. Whether you’re a senior interested in improving your quality of life, or a senior’s loved one who wants to help boost outlook and create a happier, healthier lifestyle for the person you love, here are thirteen smart ways to do it.

1. Seniors feel as if life is “passing them by.”


Seniors often feel that they have become irrelevant. In many cases, a senior’s spouse has died, and the person’s social relationships may have declined from what they used to be.

In these cases, it’s easy for older people to become depressed or to feel neglected and forgotten. Luckily, this doesn’t have to be a given for all seniors.

Instead, it’s easy to combat this “disadvantage” by ensuring that seniors are included in family gatherings, social events, and community affairs. In addition to combatting feelings of loneliness, this also helps to encourage the development of new relationships and experiences.

2. Dating can be difficult


Encourage seniors to join like-minded groups, clubs, and organizations. While dating may look different at 70 than it did at 17, it’s far from impossible, and many seniors find that they sincerely enjoy dating at an older age.

3. Seniors often feel tired and worn out


While it’s normal for older adults to feel less energetic and outgoing than they used to, it’s not normal to expect to spend every waking moment of the day in seclusion because of it. Instead of feeling worn out all the time, seniors can boost their energy by engaging in exercise, eating a healthy diet, getting plenty of high-quality rest, and spending time with family and friends. If tiredness persists, a trip to the doctor may be in order, as certain supplements may help boost energy levels.

4. Exercise and activity can be trying or painful


To stay in optimal health, seniors need to stay active. Unfortunately, this often becomes more difficult with age. To keep joints, bones, and the cardiovascular system healthy and functional without becoming exhausted in the process, seniors need only to adjust their activity type and level.

For example, if a senior used to be a long-distance runner but finds that difficult, something like water aerobics, yoga, or swimming may be ideal. While many seniors assume that aging means the end of their active lives, it’s more typical that an adjustment is all that’s needed.

5. Seniors often have a difficult time feeling attractive


Aging means changes in the body and appearance, but seniors don’t have to feel self-conscious as a result.  

Many seniors find that visiting the salon or indulging in beauty or self-care rituals that they couldn’t justify when they were younger (such as facials, massages, or pedicures) are all wonderful ways to feel more attractive.

6. The senior may feel “out of whack” with the times


It’s common for seniors to be confused about Justin Bieber and The Kardashians. Luckily, it’s easy for seniors to feel more engaged and involved in either learning more about the pop culture of today or spending time with people who treasure the same eras and memories they do.

Seniors who have no interest in reading pop culture magazines will enjoy taking part in themed parties or getting together to rehash old memories with friends. 

7. Driving can become difficult or disallowed


One of the things seniors dread most about aging is the loss of certain freedoms, like driving. While it’s inevitable that some seniors will lose their driving privileges, this doesn’t have to mean the end of an ability to do things for oneself.

In fact, there are many ways for seniors who can’t drive to get around. In many cases, public transit may be a good option. In other situations, a senior may enjoy using a senior-specific shuttle that helps seniors run errands like shopping. In many cases, seniors even choose to enjoy a nice leisurely walk to their destination.

While the right answer will differ depending on a senior’s health and energy levels, getting older doesn’t have to mean a total loss of freedom. 

8. Being away from family can be lonely


One thing many seniors struggle with is being far away from family and friends. Luckily, regular phone calls, Skype sessions, and hand-written letters can help close even the largest physical gaps and ensure happy, close relationships between seniors and their families. 

9. Seniors are often bored in their day-to-day routines


Let’s be frank: getting older can be boring! Luckily, seniors can combat this boredom by signing up for an art course, auditing a class at the local university, volunteering, or learning new things. While old age presents many challenges,

it also offers a level of free time that allows seniors to take full advantage of opportunities and better themselves in dozens of ways.

10. It can be difficult to find clothing that a senior likes


Many seniors find that, as they age, their previous fashion tastes don’t work well with their lifestyles. Luckily, this is just a matter of adjustment. While seniors may not be able to wear the flared dresses or dapper suits they once favored, it’s easy to find clothing that a senior loves and feels comfortable in. A simple shopping trip might just be in order!

11. Seniors aren’t used to the fast pace of today’s world


Go slower. Seniors have a right to be somewhat alarmed by how quickly everything moves nowadays, and it can benefit them (And us) to slow down and be more intentional during our time with them. When we’re not rushing or hurrying, we have space and freedom to enjoy our interactions with the senior rather than racing through them.

12. Seniors often don’t feel well


Seniors who have conditions that can be treated with diet, exercise or medication will often feel better after receiving the proper care. While it’s unrealistic for many seniors to expect that they’ll feel as spry at 80 as they did at 20, there’s also no reason to assume that aging has to mean feeling poorly at all times.


13. Seniors have a difficult time adjusting to older age


Help the senior understand that every life stage is beautiful, and there are many things to love about aging. While many seniors have a difficult time facing getting older, accepting the realities of it and moving into the next phase gracefully make the entire process easier for seniors to bear.

The Disadvantages of Old Age, Turned Upside Down

While many people fear “the ravages of age,” it’s possible for seniors and caregivers to take a series of simple steps to make aging into a positive, upbeat, exciting process rather than a disappointing and frightening one. 


Having a Purpose in Life May Help Shield You from Dementia

As it stands today, the number of adults suffering from Alzheimer’s disease is projected to double by 2020.
The rise in Alzheimer’s and cognitive decline has led some health professionals to call the current prevalence of dementia the “Alzheimer’s epidemic.” In light of this, doctors, healthcare professionals, and individuals around the world have been working tirelessly for years to develop approaches that could slow or prevent the development of Alzheimer’s.

One of the few things that has shown promise, however, is far less scientific than you may think.

According to recent studies, having a sense of purpose or meaning in life has the potential to slow the effects of dementia and cognitive decline.

Read on to learn more.

The Rush University Medical Center Study

One of the leading studies on this topic came from Chicago’s Rush University Medical Center. Here, scientists have been conducting a long-term study on seniors (more than 1,500 of them) since 1997. For the purposes of this study, all seniors were not affected by dementia at the time the research began.

Throughout the course of the study, each participating senior was given a yearly check-up that assessed their physical, mental, and cognitive health and well-being. In addition, each senior was asked questions designed to measure his or her sense of purpose and meaning in life. Each question was graded on a scale of 1-5.

The people who scored the highest points on these questions were ranked as having a strong sense of purpose in life, while the people with low scores had a weak sense of purpose or no sense of purpose at all.

Over the study’s active years, 246 of the study’s more than 1,500 participants died, and their brains were evaluated for signs of Alzheimer’s and cognitive decline – specifically the plaques and tangles that can so often create memory loss and cognitive difficulties.

Of the participants who died during the course of the study, the ones with a high sense of purpose were as likely to have evidence of physical brain changes as the participants with a low sense of purpose, although they scored much higher on tests that measured things like thinking and memory.

As a result, the study concluded that people who have a strong sense of purpose in life are generally better protected from the effects of Alzheimer’s than their purpose-less counterparts.

Keep in mind that, while developing a sense of purpose will not cure or guarantee the avoidance of Alzheimer’s, this research goes to show that the positive brain effects associated with having a sense of meaning in life may go a long way toward protecting the brain from memory loss and cognitive decline.

Why a Sense of Purpose Helps to Slow Alzheimer’s

While the studies suggesting that a sense of meaning in life can slow Alzheimer’s are promising, few people understand how, exactly, a sense of purpose does this. Here are a few of the current theories:

A sense of purpose improves “neural reserve.” 

Neural reserve is a term used to refer to the brain’s resistance to damage. When a human brain has a high level of neural reserve through connections and activity, it is less susceptible to damage than a brain with lower levels of connections and activity. Because the brains of people with a pronounced sense of purpose have a high level of neural reserve, they’re less vulnerable to the effects of Alzheimer’s than brains with lower neural reserves.  

Having a sense of purposes improves the brain’s processing power. 

Scientists have known for years that learning new things and maintaining social relationships is good for brain health, and a large part of the benefit of having a sense of purpose could just be that it encourages both of these things. If a senior feels as if volunteering in a homeless center is his or her sense of purpose, for example, that senior is more likely to take courses, meet new people, attend events, and interact socially than a house-bound senior with no sense of purpose.

The brain performs best when it is put to work. 

According to an article published in The Atlantic on the topic, the human brain works the best when it is engaged in meaningful and exciting work. When seniors remain interested in the stimulus and experiences around them, they keep their minds active, curious, and flexible. This, in turn, creates a neural environment in which cognitive decline and dementia are less likely to thrive.


How Seniors Can Develop a Sense of Purpose: 4 Tips

While some seniors have an intrinsic sense of purpose, others must work to develop it. When you take into account the neuroprotective benefits of doing so, however, it immediately becomes clear that it’s well worth the effort. Here are several tips for seniors who want to develop their sense of purpose to the fullest:

1. Experiment with volunteering

Volunteering is a great way to build and maintain a sense of purpose, and it’s something that virtually all seniors can do. Most organizations are hungry for volunteers, and the possibilities are virtually endless.

Try reading to children at a local library or serving meals in a local soup kitchen. Donate your time to meals on wheels to help other seniors or consider working in advocacy or outreach for a women and children’s shelter.

The level of volunteering you choose to undertake will depend largely on your energy, spare time, and interests, but if you find something you truly love you may find that volunteering quickly gives you the sense of purpose you’ve been looking for.

2. Get involved with a friend’s organization

If a friend or family member has something they feel passionately about, consider looking for ways to get involved. In many ways, this kills two birds with one stone. In addition to helping you keep your social life active and dynamic, it also exposes you to new causes you may or may not feel passionate about.

3. Refer back to what you wanted to do as a child

As children, we all have great loves we forget as adults. If you’re struggling to find a purpose in life, try going back to these childhood passions. Maybe you wanted to be an artist or work with animals.

Maybe you wanted to be an astronaut or travel to exotic places. Whatever your childhood passions may have been, they can be useful tools for helping you to find your passion and purpose as an adult.

4. Keep exploring

Sometimes, finding your purpose in life is harder than it sounds, and you may have to look for quite a while to find something you feel excited about.

Don’t let this dissuade you. It’s well worth the time and effort it takes to find something you love, and doing so can go a long way toward protecting your brain and enriching your life throughout your golden years.

The Case for a Sense of Purpose

A sense of purpose may sound like a lofty idea, but it’s actually a hugely important factor in living a healthy, dementia-free life. Because a passion or a sense of purpose keeps seniors alert, engaged, and curious, it can help to protect the brain from the ravaging effects of Alzheimer’s Disease. 

10 Ways Knitting can Improve Your Overall Health

So you want to improve your health. What’s your first step? Maybe you get a gym membership or start power walking around the mall on rainy days. Maybe you purchase a few helpful diet books and start trying to incorporate more leafy greens into your meals. Maybe you take up yoga or tai chi. Those are all great efforts, but the answer to good health may be simpler than you think.
According to a recent article published by The New York Times, the simple act of knitting can provide some serious health benefits. And it’s less expensive than a gym membership.

Here’s what you need to know.

How knitting Can Improve Health and Wellbeing

Not convinced that picking up a pair of knitting needles can help you live longer and be happier? Here are the facts:

1. Knitting helps reduce stress

Knitting features a repetitive motion much like those found in yoga. As such, it offers many of the same relaxing benefits. While learning to complete the stitches can be difficult, at first, people who have zoomed past the learning curve typically find that knitting or crocheting can lower the heart rate, decrease the blood pressure, and reduce the amount of cortisol the body dumps into the bloodstream.

2. Knitting can boost self-esteem

There’s nothing quite like crafting an item from scratch to help you feel good about yourself. While yoga and meditation both provide some of the same relaxing benefits of knitting, knitting does something that neither of those pastimes does: it provides a tangible payoff in the form of a hat, scarf, or sweater.

For people with low self-esteem, seeing these things come together from nothing can be an incredibly rewarding experience, and simply looking at the things they’ve created can help boost confidence and provide a dose of happiness for dedicated knitters near and far.

3. Knitting can replace addictive habits

For people struggling to stop smoking or drinking, or to navigate the stress and anxiety caused by death in the family, knitting can be a massive help. Programs like prisons and schools regularly use craft-making activities like knitting to help calm anxious individuals and boost social skills, and people struggling with addiction have routinely found that the repetitive and calming act of knitting can go a long way toward replacing their addictive behavior. 

4. Knitting may help you control your weight

Thousands of people throughout the country eat out of boredom. Thousands more eat when they’re feeling stressed or lonely. Over time, these emotional eating habits can lead to severe weight gain, which has an adverse impact on the quality and enjoyment of life. Fortunately, craftwork of any type (including knitting) can help control these urges.

By putting the mind into something positive and constructive, like making something, it’s easier to avoid emotional food cravings and focus on eating only when you’re hungry, rather than when you’re simply stressed or afraid. 

This is a simple payoff, but it’s one that can work wonders to improve the quality of your life and health.

5. Knitting can help keep arthritis in the hands at bay

If you’ve noticed your hands beginning to get arthritis as you age, knitting can help. Because knitting requires small, repetitive movements of the hands, it helps the fingers and joints remain dexterous in the golden years, which can translate into increased daily comfort and fewer arthritis symptoms moving forward.

6. Knitting can lessen eating disorders

While this may seem like an outlandish benefit, a study conducted by the University of British Columbia in 2009 found that 38% of women (all of whom suffered from anorexia nervosa) found that knitting helped them manage the problem. 

What’s more, 74% of participants said that knitting helped them decrease their anxiety and keep their fears at bay. Because of this, knitting is often used in eating disorder treatment programs and can be ideal for people who have struggled with eating disorders in the past.

7. Knitting can decrease depression

If you’ve been feeling blue lately, knitting may be just the thing to help you. According to a study conducted by Betsan Corkhill, an England native, wellness coach, and founder of the “therapeutic knitting” site Stitchlinks, 54% of respondents in an informal survey said that knitting helped them feel happy or worked to alleviate their depression.

This may be due to the relaxing benefits of knitting, or to the fact that focusing on something positive makes it much harder to focus on negative, time-consuming thoughts.

8. Knitting can help manage chronic pain

Because knitting requires all of a person’s focus, it can decrease chronic pain and help the brain re-focus on the positive, thus reducing a person’s experience of pain. 

Because of this, and because it is a low-intensity activity, it can be ideal for individuals who have cancer or are coping with painful, chronic conditions.

9. Knitting can stave off the effects of cognitive decline

According to a 2011 study conducted by the Mayo Clinic, participating in cognitive activities like knitting and crocheting can help prevent or decrease the effects of cognitive decline. In the study, 1,321 people between the ages of 70 and 89 were evaluated and interviewed about the cognitive activities they participated in. The study determined that the seniors who engaged in craft making activities had lower rates of cognitive impairment and memory loss.

With this in mind, it’s clear that something as simple as knitting can go a long way toward improving mental health and staving off cognitive decline with age.

10. Knitting can help you be a part of a community

Multiple studies have shown that maintaining social relationships is critical as we age, and knitting is a great access point for doing this. By joining a knitting group, attending craft shows, and more, knitters can show off their wares and make new friends along the way.

The Case for Knitting

Simple, low-impact, and easy for virtually everyone to enjoy, knitting is a fantastic way for people to manage pain, feel happier, and stay active as they age. Plus, it’s an excellent way to produce some truly unique wearable items for yourself and your family!



7 Ways to Reduce Your Fear and Anxiety Now

You know the feeling: you wake up in the middle of the night with a knot in your chest. You’re unbearably anxious, but about what? Maybe it hits you while you’re driving, watching traffic merge onto the freeway or negotiating uncontrolled intersections. Maybe it comes when you meet new people or enter new experiences. 

Today, anxiety is one of the most common disorders to affect adults in the U.S. Approximately 40 million people age 18 and older suffer from anxiety disorders right now.

Fortunately, anxiety and fear are both highly treatable, and people who suffer from either can often find relief through a mixture of at-home and clinical remedies.  While only about 1/3 of the people currently suffering from anxiety get treatment, individuals who want to reduce their fear and anxiety can learn some helpful tips in this article.

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is a feeling of intense nervousness or unease. It commonly affects people when the outcome of something is uncertain, or the environment is unfamiliar. While everyone experiences worry, anxiety is a different sensation and may be accompanied by physical symptoms, such as gastrointestinal upset, tension in the chest, a loss of appetite, nausea, or even vomiting. 

7 Sure-Fire Ways to Reduce Anxiety and Fear Today

If you suffer from anxiety or fear in your daily life, follow these seven tips to begin reducing it:

1. Practice breathing exercises

Breathing is a powerful tool that can have a massive effect on the brain’s “fight or flight” response. In fact, taking long, slow breaths can help decrease stress, stimulate the vagus nerve (which mediates the “fight or flight” response in the nervous system and lowers heart rate), and lower blood pressure and heart rate. 

The next time you’re feeling anxious, focus on your breathing. Take several long, slow exhales (of at least 3 seconds in length), and then move into long, slow exhales which take at least seven seconds to complete. 

After about four or five of these, you’ll notice your anxiety beginning to ebb, and your heart rate and body systems returning to normal.  

2. Practice visualization

Part of the reason that anxiety is so powerful is that it drags the brain into a loop. Instead of focusing on the good of a situation or experience, people who suffer from anxiety get caught in a loop of negative and frightening thinking. Fortunately, you can pull yourself out of this by practicing visualization.

Visualization is simple. When your head starts to spin, and you get fearful, practice imagining the situation in your mind. Instead of focusing on what will be frightening or painful about it, visualize it going well, and imagine yourself navigating it calmly. While this will help calm your mind in the short-term, it can also contribute to improving the outcome of the situation in real life by allowing you to prepare for it in advance.

3. Activate the thinking side of your brain

Anxiety and fear are emotional responses, and it’s easy to short-circuit them by asking the thinking (rather than the emotional) side of our brains to take over. Here are a few simple ways to do this:

  • The next time you’re anxious, place it on a scale from 1-10, with ten being incredibly fearful and one being relaxed. This does two things: it forces you to take an aerial view of your anxiety by putting a number on it, and it allows you to begin thinking about your fear in a rational way, which in turn allows you to combat it.
  • Ask yourself some simple questions. Questions like “Am I making this worse than it is?” “Is this fear grounded in reality?” “Am I overreacting?” “What can I do to fix this?” will go a long way toward allowing you to get a grip on your anxiety and look at it from a rational standpoint.
  • Ask yourself if you can worry your way to a solution. Some problems can be thought through to the point of a solution. In other situations, though, this will just drive you crazy. If you can’t “worry yourself to an answer,” let it go and try your best to take proactive steps to combat it down the road.

4. Practice being AWARE

AWARE is an acronym people who treat anxiety use to describe the process of moving through the fear and dread. Here’s what it stands for:

  • A: Accept the anxiety and understand that fighting it will only make it worse
  • W: Watch the anxiety and notice how it ebbs and flows, rises and falls. Don’t get attached to holding onto it or “making” it go away.
  • A: Act like you normally would. If you panic, your mind will go right along with you. If you stay calm and act like nothing is wrong, though, you mitigate your panic response and enhance your reasoning capabilities. 
  • R: Repeat the “A-W-A” steps as frequently as you need to get the feeling under control.
  • E: Expect that your anxiety will melt away soon. 

While it takes some practice to implement these steps reliably, focusing on them now is a good way to ensure that you get a better handle on your anxiety in the future.

5. Meditate

Meditation is a tool for calming the mind and decreasing attachment to our emotional selves. Long since used by leaders around the world, a regular meditative practice can go a long way toward decreasing your anxiety and making it easier to function daily.

Fortunately, meditation is also more accessible than ever before. Apps like Headspace make it easy to meditate for just a few moments every day, and you don’t need to dedicate a huge brick of time to the practice. 

While there are dozens of paid meditation programs you can participate in, it’s easy to access meditation without spending a dime. Simply find a quiet space, sit in a comfortable position, and focus on your breath for ten minutes. While it takes a while to get comfortable with the act of meditation, you’ll notice effects on your fear and anxiety in a short period.

6. Get enough sleep

Everything looks worse when you’re tired, and the simple act of getting enough sleep can be instrumental in helping you combat your fear and anxiety. With this in mind, shoot for 7-8 hours of sleep each night and take naps throughout the daytime as you need it.

7. Talk it out

Talk therapy, or even a coffee with a loved friend, can be amazingly helpful for people suffering from fear and anxiety. The simple act of voicing your worries and concerns can help destabilize them and help you see a clear path forward. Plus, talking to a therapist can help you learn more tools to combat fear and anxiety, and see to it that they have less of an impact on your life going forward. 

A Happier Life Made Simple

Fear and anxiety can be crippling, and people who suffer from them often feel as if they’ve been robbed of their enjoyment, happiness, and ease. Fortunately, these seven tips can help you begin the battle with fear and anxiety, and live a happier life starting today. 


6 Proven Methods to Improve Your Memory as You Age

Memory loss: it’s one of the things people fear the most about aging. While memory loss comes in a variety of shapes and forms, many people imagine themselves unable to remember a loved one’s phone number or forgetting special days. 

While these things are a reality for some seniors, memory loss doesn’t have to be an essential component of aging. In fact, people who take proactive steps to improve their memories with age can enjoy a lifetime of mental sharpness and clarity. Read on.

What is Memory Loss?

Memory loss is forgetfulness that exceeds normal levels. For example, a young person may forget the name of a performer for a moment, and then recall it in conversation several minutes later. This is not memory loss. Instead, it’s a standard spell of forgetfulness.

If a senior begins to forget things like whether the stove is turned on, where he or she lives, or whether a visitor is a daughter or a neighbor, this is considered memory loss.

According to Medline Plus, memory loss is caused by normal aging or by injuries to the brain, including brain tumors, concussions or head trauma, brain infections, or stroke. 

While most people experience bouts of forgetfulness throughout their lives, memory loss is a problem that is most prevalent in seniors. According to a survey conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1 out of every eight seniors experiences memory loss as they age. Surprisingly, this memory loss affects young seniors the most prominently, with 44.7% of older persons between ages 60-64 reporting memory loss. 

While some level of memory loss is normal throughout our lives, excessive or ongoing memory loss can be signs of Alzheimer’s or dementia. As such, it is important for people who want to keep their minds healthy as they age to take proactive steps to preventing memory loss.  

6 Smart Ways to Improve Your Memory as You Get Older

If you’d like to stave off the effects of memory loss, follow these six tips:

1. Keep learning new things

Learning new things is by far one of the best actions you can take to protect your memory and keep your mind sharp. Harvard Health Publications reports that higher levels of education are associated with improved mental functionality in old age. This may be because of several reasons. 

On the one hand, learning new things keeps people in the habit of using their minds, and may translate into higher levels of mental challenge and development with age. On the other hand, learning new things has been shown to help promote neuro-generative activity in the brain, and improve the brain’s ability to make new connections and keep existing connections healthy.

Fortunately, learning new things is simple, and you have many options if you’re interested. Pick up a new hobby or audit a class on a platform like edX. Take a dance class at your local community center or learn a new language. 

You don’t have to do something as drastic as going back to school to learn something new. You simply have to dedicate yourself to using your brain and making lifelong learning the top of your to-do list.


2. Don’t buy into the myths about aging and memory loss

The mind-body connection is one that’s often underestimated in our society. When it comes to memory loss, people who believe that aging and memory loss go hand-in-hand may actually experience increased memory loss. In fact, Harvard Health Publications reports that seniors exposed to repeated, negative stereotypes about memory loss and aging do worse on memory tests than their counterparts who avoid the stereotypes. 

With this in mind, don’t buy into the myth that aging means an automatic loss of memory. Take proactive steps to keep yourself healthy, and don’t believe the hype.


3. Engage all your various senses

The mind is a “use it or lose it” thing, and engaging all your senses helps keep each of them stronger. Memory works best when all our senses are engaged, and, because of this, it’s typically recommended that seniors pick up new hobbies that engage the senses.

For example, consider cooking. When you make a pizza from scratch, you have the scent of the ingredients, the feel of the dough as you knead it out on the counter, and the sight of bubbling cheese to look forward to.

If pizza isn’t your top priority, you’re not limited to cooking. In fact, any tactile hobby, like pottery, will work beautifully.


4. Focus your memory to where it’s needed most

The mind takes in thousands of tiny bits of information each day and, with age, this can quickly become overwhelming. Because of this, professionals recommend that seniors learn to economize their brainpower. For example, instead of clogging your head up with the 15 things you need to do next Tuesday, write it down in a planner. 

By getting it out of your head and onto a sheet of paper, where it’s easy to remember, you free your brainpower up for more important things, like learning new skills, building new relationships, and more. 


5. Reinforce your memories with repetition

Repetition is a powerful tool for solidifying memories and making short-term information long-term. With this in mind, use repetition in your daily life to boost your memory as you age. When you meet someone new at a gathering, repeat their name to yourself verbally. When you’re learning a new skill, repeat it several times until you feel like you have it down pat. We can’t expect our brains to perform well without the benefit of repetition, and the simple act of repeating something to ourselves can go a long way toward helping us remember it.


6. Take care of yourself physically

Good nutrition and adequate hydration make all the difference when it comes to protecting your memory. Simple things like inadequate hydration can have a devastating impact on memory, and studies have found that people who eat brain-boosting foods, such as fish, once each week have a massive 60% lower risk of developing dementia as they age. 

That said, fortify your diet with plenty of clean, fresh water, foods rich in omega-3s, and healthy fats.  Your brain will thank you for it!

Healthy Memories Start With Preventative Care

While conditions like Alzheimer’s and dementia do affect some seniors, getting older doesn’t mean your memory must go out the window. With these six tips, it’s easy to take good care of your memory as you age, and enjoy a clear mind and sharp memory throughout your golden years. 


10 Volunteer Opportunities Guaranteed to Increase Your Happiness This Holiday Season

Bring joy and hapiness to yourself and those less fortunate by volunteering this holiday season

The holidays are a time of giving, and most people find that they feel better about themselves and the world around them when they volunteer to help at local, national, or global organizations.

The reason for this is simple: the world is a hard place, and, while we can’t reach out and fix the entire thing at once, the most proactive step each of us can take is to do everything in our power to make our corner of it better.  

In recent years, the number of people who volunteer housebound has risen, climbing to more than 62.6 million adults in 2014. 

These figures spike during the holidays when people from all walks of life are looking for ways to give back, spread some good cheer, and lend a helping hand to their neighbors and communities.

If you’re searching for a volunteer opportunity to participate in this holiday season, here’s our list of the top ten volunteering opportunities:

1. Volunteer at a soup kitchen Help out at a soup kitchen

 Right now, 1 out of every 6 Americans faces hunger, and more than 17 million U.S. households experience “food insecurity” (meaning the household has occasional periods where it is difficult to access enough food for all its family members) each year.  These are staggering numbers, and they just go to show how critical the work that soup kitchens and similar community organizations offer is. 

This holiday season, one of the easiest and most helpful things you can do is to take an active role in feeding the hungry. Volunteer positions at soup kitchens (which provide free, hot meals for needy families and individuals) are common and straightforward. Plus, since they don’t require heavy lifting or intense physical activity, they’re ideal for older seniors or people with injuries and disabilities. 

To find a soup kitchen, community kitchen, or food bank (organizations that work to feed their communities around the holidays and throughout the year)  in your area, visit FeedingAmerica.com and enter your location. 

2.  Donate to a local domestic violence shelter

 Every single minute, an average of 20 people (in the U.S. alone) are abused by their intimate partner. This abuse leads to more than 10 million individuals being displaced from their homes annually. In many cases, the victims of abuse turn to domestic violence shelters for legal advocacy, orders of protection, housing, and healing.

This holiday season, find one of these organizations in your area and donate time, supplies, or money. In the name of safety, many domestic violence shelters are only open to women and children, and they always need simple supplies. Here are some items you can donate:

  • Baby formula
  • Diapers
  • Feminine hygiene products
  • Clothing
  • Household goods (shelters often furnish women with household supplies when they leave the shelter and move into their own apartments or homes)
  • Children’s toys
  • Holiday food (turkeys, cookies, etc.)
  •  Gifts

Some shelters also have facilities for pets, and separate housing units for men. To find out what your local shelter needs, contact them and ask for a requested donation list. Keep in mind that many shelters are in confidential locations and may not accept strangers as volunteers, so you may have to go through a screening process to volunteer at the shelter. 

If you don’t want to do that, you can always donate supplies. To locate your local organization, visit the local coalitions page from the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence.  

3. Read to children at a local library

Read to children at the library

 Reading stories to children is a fun and enjoyable volunteer activity that leaves everyone involved feeling happy and festive – especially when the books are old holiday classics, like The Night Before Christmas

To find out when your library hosts children’s Storytime, and how you can get involved, contact your local organization for more information.

4. Read to seniors at a senior centerSeniors reading books for the holiday

Senior centers are commonly overlooked volunteering destinations, but they need just as much attention as places like soup kitchens and shelters. To give back to your community and help local seniors this holiday, offer to read stories, sing carols, make Christmas ornaments, or more at your local senior center.  

Many of the seniors in these places have no remaining family, and a visit from a caring volunteer may be something they look forward to for days.  

5. Do food drop-offs for your local food bank

Most local food banks run programs where they deliver critical groceries to people who are house-bound, ill, or needy. This holiday season, volunteer to take over some of these deliveries. In addition to being a critical service, these deliveries also provide essential supplies to vulnerable populations that truly need the help. 

When you volunteer your time to drop off these donations, and you’ll be rewarded by meeting new people and making new friends. 

6. Volunteer at a halfway house

Halfway houses are commonly in need of volunteers for the holidays. Simple things, like volunteering to cook meals or work with residents, or just offering to donate supplies are highly appreciated. These small things are wonderful ways to make a difference during the holiday season.

7. Donate your time to meals on wheels

Meals on Wheels is an important organization that makes it a mission to deliver warm, healthy meals to seniors who can’t cook for themselves, or leave home very easily. Without an organization like this, these seniors often go hungry or fail to get the nutrition they need from their daily meals.  

Meals on Wheels of America

Fortunately, your support can help make a difference. This holiday season, donate directly to Meals on Wheels or visit their website to locate volunteer opportunities in your area. 

While this is a simple program, it’s one that can make a significant difference in a senior’s life.  

8. Make care packages for overseas soldiers

Holiday packages for soldiers

Soldiers currently deployed overseas don’t get to spend the holidays with their families, and many of them are missing husbands, wives, parents, and children. This holiday season, one compassionate way to get involved and volunteer your time is to put together care packages for overseas military personnel. 

Military.com has a helpful list of things to send people who are deployed, and SupportOurTroops.org has simple directions for assembling and mailing care packages to overseas military. 

9. Volunteer at your local animal shelter

Volunteer at local animal shelter

We know it’s important for humans to have happy and safe holidays, but what about the animals in our lives? Each year, more than 7.6 million dogs and cats enter shelters in the U.S., and only 2.7 million are adopted. In no-kill shelters, caring for those animals left behind can be expensive and exhausting, and volunteer assistance is always appreciated. 

This holiday season, dedicate your time to caring for the animals who can’t come home for the holidays. Cleaning pens, cuddling with animals, walking dogs, or attending community events to raise awareness are all fantastic steps. If you can’t volunteer for physical work, consider donating pet food, beds, supplies, or even money to your local shelter.  

10. Help your neighbors

If you’d like to keep your volunteer efforts as close to home as possible, look for small ways to help your neighbors. Simple things like shoveling your elderly neighbor’s walk, brining a batch of homemade cookies, or singing carols with some people from your area will brighten spirits and help everyone get into the holiday frame of mind. 



Volunteering for the holiday season is a great way to get into the giving mindset and make a difference in your community. While it can be difficult to locate volunteer opportunities that fit your priorities, these ten opportunities are ideal for most people and can help you do good this holiday season. 

18 Healthy Habits That Fight the Signs of Aging

Let’s face it: nobody wants to get old. Unfortunately, it’s tough to avoid.

While aging is inevitable, it’s easy to develop a series of healthy habits that can help fight the signs of aging and make your golden years healthier, happier, and more exciting than they’ve ever been.

Read on to learn more.


18 Healthy Habits to Help You Age Gracefully

Want to enjoy your retirement and senior years more? Focus on developing these 18 healthy habits. 

1. Eat right and watch your weight 

We’ve all heard the saying “you are what you eat,” and it gets truer with age. When you feed your body high-quality, nutrient-dense foods, it stands up to the stresses and rigors of aging better and is less likely to break down or stop working over time.

What’s more, a well-rounded diet can also help fight off disease and keep the skin and body looking and feeling their best.

 2. Protect your skin with SPF

When it comes to the way you look, the sun is responsible for more premature aging than virtually anything else. With this in mind, wear SPF every time you go outside. In addition to keeping your skin healthy, and wrinkle – and age spot-free, wearing SPF also decrease the risk of skin cancer and helps you stay healthy in your older years.

3. Drink enough water 

Drinking enough water is essential to looking and feeling your best. With this in mind, shoot for at least eight glasses each day and don’t skimp on the other liquids, either. If you have a difficult time remembering to drink water, consider carrying a water bottle with you or setting alarms on your phone to remind yourself to have a glass several times each day.

4. Avoid alcohol as you age 

While a glass of wine with dinner is a habit many people enjoy, excess drinking ages the skin and can damage your appearance. With this in mind, keep your drinking to a minimum, and think twice before you pour that extra glass of red wine.

5. Stop (or avoid) smoking

If you smoke tobacco, your skin ages quicker, and you put yourself at risk for a whole slew of health complications that affect non-smokers at much lower rates. In addition to the fact that smoking increases the risk of cancer, it also damages your skin and enhances the look of wrinkles, age spots, and creepy skin. 

With this in mind, work to stop smoking today. If you don’t smoke, be sure to avoid second-hand smoke which can have equally detrimental effects.

6. Laugh as often as possible

Laughter is your best medicine, and maintaining a good sense of humor and lightheartedness can help you age gracefully.

In addition to relieving stress, laughter also helps to improve your mood and make you more approachable, so it can benefit your social relationships while also brightening your outlook – all of which are good for your mental and emotional health during the aging process.

7. Get active on a regular basis

Exercise is critical for staying fit and active as you age, and it’s important to get your heart rate up every day. Regardless of whether you choose to walk, run, or do yoga, getting moving on a daily basis is one of the best defenses against the signs of aging.

8. Get enough sleep

Getting a minimum of seven hours of sleep each night has far-reaching implications for your health. From helping your skin look more youthful to improving your cognitive function and outlook, there’s no question that adequate sleep is truly the fountain of youth. With this in mind, practice healthy sleep habits and prioritize your sleep for better health.

9. Keep a positive attitude

Positivity is paramount for aging well, and people who maintain a positive outlook on life simply age better. In fact, one study reports that individuals who remain positive are 40% more likely to recover from an injury or disability than those who get negative about the situation.

10. Mind your dinner portions

Just like watching what you eat is important, so, too, is watching how much you eat. A healthy diet full of balanced proportions will keep you looking and feeling great for longer.

11. Maintain your social relationships 

Healthy social relationships help people live longer, and keeping up on your friendships, social groups, and volunteering opportunities will give you a leg-up on aging. What’s more, it will also make it that much easier to enjoy your retirement and all of the free time that comes with it.

12. Do away with toxic relationships 

Toxic relationships suck the life-force out of people, and they can make it difficult to stay healthy. With this in mind, allow yourself to walk away from the relationships and situations that no longer serve you or make you happy.

13. Stop multitasking and allow yourself to focus

Multitasking creates stress and stress damages health. With this in mind, concentrate on cutting down on multitasking and sticking to one responsibility at a time. In addition to allowing you to execute your duties more efficiently, this will also make it easier to ensure a job well done, with as little stress as possible.

14. Avoid sweets and consider skipping dessert

While sweets are a heady temptation, excess sugar can damage your health and your appearance. With this in mind, consider cutting sweets out of your diet or, at the very least, avoiding them as often as possible. In addition to helping you stay trim and healthy, avoiding sugar can also keep you feeling and looking your best.

15. Try not to sit for long periods of time 

Sitting for hours on end is associated with a plethora of health problems, and people who get up and move fare better than their sedentary counterparts. With this in mind, take several short walks a day and set timers to get up and move around regularly if you must sit for extended periods of time. This will keep you healthy and lithe and feeling good throughout your golden years.

16. Keep your skin moisturized 

Things like indoor heaters and dry climates suck the moisture out of the skin, which can accelerate the aging process. With this in mind, keep your skin moisturized and avoid the temptation to skip on the skin lotion before bed.

17. Eat a selection of healthy fats

The brain and other vital body organs rely on fat for proper function, so keeping your diet rich in healthy and beneficial fats is key. The omega-3 fatty acids found in things like Salmon and walnuts can benefit your health for years to come, while also keeping you full.

18. Mind your posture

Slouching can contribute to a hunchback appearance that makes you look older than you are. Instead, remember your posture and be proactive about improving it. In addition to keeping your spine healthy, this will also help you appear younger.

The Signs of Aging Stop Here

While it’s impossible to stop the aging process altogether, these 18 tips can help you fight the signs of aging and move through your golden years happily, gracefully, and beautifully.