Reducing Stress and Enhancing Quality and Longevity of Life

Everyone might be familiar with stress but not everyone is aware of just how dangerous it is for one’s health. In fact, the top causes of death around the world: heart disease, cancer, lung problems, cirrhosis of the liver, accidents, and suicide are all related to stress.

Moreover, seventy-five to 90% of all doctor’s office visits are due to conditions and complaints that are stress-related. Even the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has asserted that stress is one of the threats in the workplace.

What is stress?

Stress is the body’s normal response to situations that make a person feel upset or threatened. It is the body’s way of protecting itself.

During periods of stress, the body starts pumping adrenalin, the heart rate goes up, blood vessels dilate, breathing and sweat production increases, metabolism slows down, and muscles become tense. These reactions are part of what is called the body’s “fight-or-flight response.”

Stress doesn’t always produce negative effects. For some, it could lead to better performance because pressure can help you stay alert, energetic, and focused on the tasks at hand. Exposure to constant stress, however, could take a toll on your health and can adversely affect the different areas of your life.

What are the signs of stress?

It’s not difficult to determine whether you’re stressed or not. Almost everyone is familiar with the effects of stressors, the catalyst that causes stress. Nonetheless, you may still be surprised at just how extensive the effect of stress is on your body. If you’re not careful, it might be too late to undo the damage that it has caused.

These are some of the specific symptoms of someone who is suffering from stress:

Psychological signs

  • Poor memory
  • Lack of concentration
  • Confusion
  • Pessimism
  • Anxiety
  • Restlessness
  • Impaired judgment
  • Constant worrying
  • Inability to solve problems

Physical signs

  • Chest pains
  • Dizziness and nausea
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Persistent colds
  • Menstrual disorders
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Infertility
  • Psoriasis
  • Eczema
  • Hair loss
  • Mouth ulcers
  • Stomach upset
  • Aches and pains in general

Emotional signs

  • Agitation
  • Irritability
  • Moodiness
  • Depression
  • Sense of helplessness
  • Indifference

Behavioral signs

  • Eating disorders
  • Sleeping disorders
  • Antisocial attitude
  • Use or abuse of cigarettes, alcohol, or drugs to calm down
  • Nervous habits
  • Disregard for one’s obligations or responsibilities


Apart from the effects stated above, recent studies have shown that stress shrinks the brain, makes kids age prematurely, triggers the development depression, and could affect the genes of your future children.

Moreover, several researches have also shown that unexpected emotional stresses can provoke arrhythmias, heart attacks, and even death. This is why people who are at risk of heart disease should try to reduce stress as early as possible.

What can you do to reduce stress?

Stress affects people in varying degrees because some deal with stress better than others. In any case, it is important to remember that reducing stress will not only affect your well-being at present, it will also benefit your health in the long-term.

Here are some examples of what you can do today, which will make your older self thank you later:

Determine the factors that cause stress

The first step to reducing stress is pinpointing the exact cause/s of stress in your life. Keep a diary where you can write down your emotions and thoughts whenever you feel stressed. At the end of a few days, you should be able to identify some of the major stressors and you’ll get a sense of what you need to do to deal with them.

Build positive connections with the people around you

One of the best ways to effectively deal with stress is to have family and friends who could provide you a strong support network. Because loneliness and isolating yourself from others are symptoms of stress, it is all the more important to build positive relationships with the people closest to you.

Learn to condition your attitude and mindset

It is possible to train your mind to dwell on more positive thoughts than negative ones, which is crucial in your becoming more resistant to the effects of stress. People who suffer from the negative effects of stress think that they are victims of circumstances and that they have no control. While it is true that we can do nothing about a lot of the situations we are in, we have control over how we allow the situations affect us. Having a sense of humor, the ability to embrace challenges, and the willingness to accept change all go a long way in successfully dealing with stress.

Learning relaxation techniques, such as meditation, deep breathing, and yoga will also help you have better control over your attitude and mindset. This leads to reduced stress and improved health.

Know that preparation is key

It pays to know everything you can about a stressful situation you will face because this allows you to prepare. When you’re prepared, you are better equipped and able to cope with the challenges or difficulties that the situation entails. This, in turn, reduces the possibility of stress.

Acknowledge the wisdom in walking away

There will always be situations that can’t be dealt with easily and immediately. In those instances, you’ll probably be tempted to give in to anger and frustration but before that happens walk away even for just a few minutes. If you can’t physically walk away from a stressful situation, delay your reaction by taking a deep breath, having a sip of water, or counting to 10. These actions will give you the opportunity to organize your thoughts and allow you the chance to react in a more positive way.

Listen to music

Take a break from a stressful situation by listening to relaxing music. Doing so can affect the brain and the body positively by making you calm, lowering your blood pressure, and reducing cortisol. Most people usually find classical music calming but you could also listen to nature sounds if that’s your thing.


The saying “laughter is the best medicine” is especially true when it comes to fighting stress because when you laugh, the levels of stress-aggravating hormones (cortisol, epinephrine, and adrenalin) are lowered and feel-good hormones, such as dopamine, are released.

Get enough sleep

Many emotional disorders have been related to disrupted sleep. If you’ve been feeling angry, sad, exhausted, and generally stressed for no apparent reason, you might not be getting enough sleep. Admittedly, stress could be what is making it difficult for you sleep but if you don’t do something about it, this vicious cycle will continue. The National Sleep Foundation provides some tips on how you could develop healthy sleeping habits. Try some of the tips to see which works best for you.

Incorporate stress-busting super foods into your diet

When you’re stressed, you’re more prone to eating food that are bad for your health, such as those high in fat and sugar. Although your first instinct might be to reach for these comfort foods during stressful situations, turning to healthier alternatives could not only help relieve your tension but will benefit your overall health as well.

The next time you feel stressed, try consuming the following:

  • Grapes, berries, nuts, and green tea

These contain antioxidants that help increase the body’s ability to respond to stress. They also combat free radicals brought about by stress.

  • Spinach, collard greens, mustard greens, and romaine lettuce

These are some examples of leafy greens that contain folate, which regulates the production of dopamine, a chemical that induces pleasure and helps keep you calm.

  • Oatmeal, whole-grain pasta and breads, corn, and peas

These are examples of complex carbohydrates, which help the brain create serotonin without adding to your body’s already elevated blood sugar level caused by stress.

  • Salmon contains omega-3 fatty acids that have anti-inflammatory properties, which may help offset the adverse effects of adrenalin and cortisol.
  • Fortified milk, fortified cereal, and egg yolks

These contain vitamin D, which is believed to increase happiness. In studies, people with high levels of vitamin D in their system exhibited a reduced risk of panic disorders.

  • Yogurt, nuts, fish, and leafy greens

These are great sources of magnesium, which has been shown to aid in relieving irritability, depression, and fatigue.



Exercise is not only essential if you want to stay fit, it’s also a great way to relieve stress since it boosts the production of endorphins. Endorphins are the body’s natural chemicals that leads to euphoric feelings, regulation of appetite, and the strengthening of the immune system. If you’re having a stressful day, try taking a walk or spending at least a few minutes at the gym and see how different your mindset will be when you return to work.

Recognize when it’s necessary to seek professional help

When you’ve tried everything you can to deal with stress on your own and you still feel overwhelmed, it may be time for you to ask the help of a professional. A psychologist or other licensed mental health professional can teach you ways to effectively handle stress.

Stress is an everyday occurrence but it doesn’t have to be part of your life so follow the practical tips in this article if you want to live longer, healthier, and happier.


7 Ways to Improve Caregiver Patient Relationship

The caregiver/patient relationship can often be tenuous and difficult. Home care is a stressful setting that typically involves great sickness or disability and within that, it is easy for tempers to flare and patience to run thin. This is unfortunate, however, because in addition to being a difficult relationship, the caregiver/patient relationship is also an immensely important one.

In order for quality care and healing to take place, the caregiver and the patient must foster a good relationship, no matter how difficult that may be at times. Here are seven steps caregivers and patients can take to improve their relationship and form a genuine bond:

1) Learn to Ask for Help

The caregiver/patient relationship is very intimate and it often involves difficult, confusing or emotionally challenging scenarios. One of the first steps toward high-quality communication and a safe, healing relationship is transparency and the ability to ask for help. This is true for both the patient and the caregiver.

In order to build trust, the patient needs to be able to request help when it is needed and, in order to provide quality care, the caregiver needs to be able to ask the patient for help in understanding something new or clarifying a preference or concern. Asking for help is central to communication and communication, in turn, is central to the rest of the caregiver/patient relationship.

2) Exercise Compassion

A home care environment often entails a severely disabled or wounded person who may not have full command of brain function and capacities such as motor skills, memory and speech. These types of disabilities are difficult and can easily create frustration within both the client and the patient.

Frustration, however, leads to a strained and fractured relationship, which is not appropriate for the home care setting. Instead of allowing frustration to take hold, caregivers and patients alike should seek to exercise compassion. Compassion for self and others allows people to soften their hearts toward another person and get to a place of honest communication.

3) Be Patient

Patients who have suffered a traumatic brain injury often have difficulty with skills like speech and memory. Additionally, since traumatic brain injuries often affect the part of the brain that deals with response to stimuli, risk-taking and adherence to rules, injured people may exhibit less concern for rules and an increased level of risky or downright dangerous behavior.

Patience is the most important virtue a caregiver can have in situations like these. It is important for a caregiver to understand that injured people are not always in complete control of their actions and, with that in mind, to give the person extra time to calm down and make different decisions. This often requires reasoning, positivity and empathy.

4) Use Encouragement

Encouragement is an underrated soft skill. In addition to motivating patients to behave differently when needed, encouragement also goes a long ways toward boosting a patient’s self esteem and making him or her feel capable and in charge once more. Additionally, since being encouraging with patients benefits both the caregiver and the individual, it can rapidly increase the fullness of the relationship.

5) Be an Active Listener

Each client has a story to tell and learning to truly listen to that story will quickly foster a bond and encourage increased communication and understanding. Additionally, active listening with clients encourages increased rapport and allows the caregiver to better pick up on potential warning signs.

When having a conversation with a client, make eye contact and turn your body toward the person speaking. Be careful not to interrupt and ask plenty of good questions to ensure that the client feels heard and respected.

6) Do What the Patient Loves

Do you have a patient who loves to read but cannot anymore due to poor vision or impaired brain function? Maybe you have a patient who loves puzzles, scrapbooking or board games. Whatever the case may be, make a concerted and honest effort to engage the patient in these pastimes.

In addition to helping a client feel more involved, whole and capable, these activities can go a long way toward decreasing feelings of distress in a patient and encouraging positive changes in behavior.

7) Practice Respect

Caregivers must have a deep respect for the patient and his or her family. The patient’s home is a workplace and must be treated like one. When a caregiver is respectful of a patient’s home, belongings and preferences, the patient feels respected in turn, which leads to less distress and an increased feeling of relaxation and comfort.  Additionally, practicing constant respect serves to place the patient and the caregiver on the same plane, encouraging increased communication and a deeper relationship.

When practices like empathy, active listening, respect, transparency and patience are exercised, both a patient and a client can find themselves in a deep, caring and safe relationship. In a home care setting, these types of relationships are integral in creating healing and comfort.  Although home care relationships can be challenging, at times, both patient and caregiver can take a variety of simple steps toward improving the relationship and creating a lasting bond.

Tips on Preventing Accidental Falls in Home Care

Everyone is susceptible to falling. Younger people usually suffer no ill effects or if they do, the injury is minor and causes no long-term harm. Falls among older people, however, are a different story.

Every year, one in three older adults falls but only less than half of them tell their healthcare providers about it. The low number of people who report falling is alarming because falls are the chief cause of fatal and nonfatal injuries in older adults. In fact, more than 90% of hip fractures are caused by falling. The percentage of fractures related to falls is twice as high for older women as it is for older men, and falls among adults over 65 cause the highest number of fatalities.

In 2013, the direct medical costs from falls of older patients amounted to $34 billion. In the same year, about 25,500 older adults died from injuries caused by accidental falls.

Falls among older adults happen for a variety of reasons. Muscle weakness, infections, poor eyesight, issues with walking or balance, and hazards in the home are some of them.

Aside from causing fatal injuries, falls could also lead to nonfatal injuries that range from moderate to severe, such as laceration, hip fractures, and head traumas. In addition to the physical effects of a fall, there are also some psychological consequences, such as developing the fear of falling. Unfortunately, older patients who develop the fear of falling tend to restrict their movements, which makes their strength and flexibility deteriorate. This increases the risk of more falls in the future. Moreover, the same fear could keep them from engaging in social activities that are necessary for their mental and emotional health.

With the assistance of family members or a caregiver, here are what patients can do to prevent falls and reduce their negative consequences:

Eat a balanced diet

Calcium, protein, and essential vitamins are necessary for optimum health and having a balanced diet can help older adults prevent weakness, poor fall recovery, and risk injuries. A diet rich in calcium may also help decrease the negative effects if a fall should occur because calcium makes the bones stronger.


Regular physical exercise helps improve balance and leg strength. This is especially important for older patients so the risk of falling will be lessened as they move around the house or other environments. Tai chi, walking, and water workouts are ideal activities as these exercises are usually not too strenuous. However, it’s a good idea to consult a doctor whether you can engage in these workouts. If not, the doctor may suggest other exercises that are better suited to you.

Visit the eye doctor at least once a year

Poor eyesight is a common cause of falling. Patients can sometimes perceive objects as being closer or farther than they are and in some instances, they don’t see objects in their paths altogether. To avoid accidents caused by eye conditions, such as glaucoma and cataracts, get your eyes checked at least once a year and make sure that your eyeglasses are updated so your vision will be maximized.

Take note of your medications

Some medicines or combinations of medicines can cause dizziness and drowsiness, which could increase the risk of falls in elderly patients. If you are taking more than four medications at a time, develop a good medication management plan and ask your doctor or pharmacist to review all the medicines you are taking.

Reduce home hazards

Many things in the home could increase the risk of patient falls. To reduce the risk, rearrange the furniture to make wide and clear paths for walking, get rid of worn or slippery rugs, and make sure that objects are not left lying on the floor. Adequate lighting should be provided in areas where you usually spend your time in and grab rails should be installed in the bathroom, the kitchen, and other places in the house where falls are most likely to occur.

Avoid risk-taking behaviors

The elderly sometimes overestimate their abilities to do certain activities. Standing on unsteady chairs, climbing ladders, or moving without the assistance of prescribed devices are some behaviors that can increase the risk of falls. Although refraining from doing these activities could make your mobility limited, it’s more important to be cautious to avoid accidents that could lead to more complications.

Wear well-fitting shoes

Loose footwear could be the cause of tripping or falling so make sure that you wear shoes that fit you perfectly. Choose shoes that have non-slip, textured soles with good ankle support to help you be balanced and stable on your feet. Avoid wearing slippers or going barefoot.

Use mobility aids

Walking aids, such as a walker or a cane are helpful in the reduction of falls in seniors who have difficulty walking steadily. It is crucial, however, to consult a physiotherapist first before getting a walking aid because the wrong one could actually increase the risk of injuries due to falls.

Get assessed for fall risk

If you are prone to falls or if you want to know how high your risk for falls is, you can visit a falls clinic. There, you will be assessed for risk factors, such as the following:

  • Impaired balance, strength, or bearing
  • Impaired maneuverability
  • Psychological/Cognitive impairment
  • Nutritional issues
  • Medications
  • Neurological issues, such as Parkinson’s diseases and stroke
  • Musculoskeletal issues, such as arthritis, foot problems, joint replacement, and deformity
  • Chronic illnesses, such as osteoporosis, lung disease, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes
  • Previous history of falls

Without a doubt, preventing a fall is better for the patient’s health and well-being than dealing with the results of an accidental fall. However, caregivers may encounter some challenges when proposing the idea of fall prevention to older adults because for them, fall prevention initiatives have a negative implication. Instead of focusing on ways to prevent accidental falls, the best way to deal with resistance from patients is for family members and caregivers to:

Encourage patients to participate in activities that aim to improve their balance and strength

For most patients, fall prevention means making changes in their homes, the use of mobility aids, or the restriction of their activities. This is particularly true among older adults so it is important to educate them in this area in a way that promotes a realistic but positive attitude. To do this, family members and caregivers should emphasize the need for engaging in activities that improve balance, strength, and stability instead of highlighting the need to avoid the risks. For instance, instead of asking patients to avoid climbing the stairs as much as they can, patients should be encouraged to exercise to develop their leg muscles and their ability to maintain their balance during movement. This strategy improves the patients’ view of exercise and allows them to actively participate in the activity to protect themselves from falls.

Emphasize benefits that promote a positive self-image when offering falls prevention initiatives

Older adults are often hesitant to acknowledge falls or to participate in interventions because (1) they are afraid that others will perceive them adversely, (2) they think that falls are part of ageing, or (3) they are ashamed to admit that they are losing control over their own bodies. These concerns are all valid but redirecting their focus to the benefits will make them more likely to participate in the initiatives. Because it’s important for older patients to be in good health, to avoid becoming too dependent on the people around them, and to be sociable and interesting, some of the benefits that you could discuss with your ward are increased confidence, heightened independence, and the improvement in their ability to take a more active role in society.

Design fall prevention initiatives in such a way that they will meet the preferences, capabilities, and needs of the individual patient

Patients come in all shapes, sizes, and dispositions. Some like being in a group while others prefer the one-on-one approach. There are patients who like to keep the company of only people who share the same social standing, religious beliefs, cultural background, ethnicity, and even gender while there are those who have no such preferences. In any case, designing the fall prevention initiatives while taking into account the personality of the patient will go a long way in keeping him or her engaged in the activities.

Encourage patient participation in designing or choosing the type of fall prevention initiative

Adults are more open to participating and adhering to fall prevention initiatives when their participation in the decision-making process is encouraged. Therefore, patients should be involved in creating or selecting the kind of initiative, the different forms of the same initiative, and the goals they want to achieve.

Contrary to what most people think, falls are not inevitable nor do they have to be a natural consequence of ageing. These accidents could be avoided if the patients work together with their family members and caregiver in understanding that they can proactively safeguard themselves from falls. It’s also essential for them to develop a positive attitude about keeping themselves healthy and making changes in their lifestyle and surroundings not only for fall prevention but for their overall well-being and health.

10 Ways to Bring Positive Energy Into the Home

There are few settings where positive energy is more important than a home care environment. Home care sometimes involves great sadness and difficult situations and while it is important to respect those things as realities, it is also important to go to great lengths to magnify positivity on every level.

Fortunately, there are many easy steps caregivers and residents can take to bring positive energy into the home. In addition to contributing to the overall health and well being of the home care patient, making a home brighter, cleaner and more positive also benefits caregivers and attendants alike. That said, here are ten easy ways to bring more positive energy into the home:

1. Focus on Natural Sunlight

For such a simple tip, this one really packs a punch. Natural sunlight stimulates the production of Vitamin D, which elevates mood and makes people feel happier almost instantly. Additionally, ample access to natural sunlight can help alleviate depressive symptoms and uplift lonely, ill or aging patients.

To capitalize upon the positive powers of sunlight, open blinds and draw back curtains to let natural light into the room. Cleaning glass windows and removing obstructions that block light can also help make the room feel brighter and more positive.

2. De-Clutter

Clutter causes stress and nothing squashes positive energy quite like stress. In addition to being unpleasant to live with, clutter can often be dangerous in a home care setting. De-cluttering an area helps the space feel calmer and more open and also serves the utilitarian purpose of getting rid of things that are no longer needed.

Even a simple step like de-cluttering a single drawer in the kitchen or bedroom can have a profound effect on the positivity of a room or space. Make sure that commonly used areas such as kitchen tables, night stands, coffee tables and kitchen counters stay clean and clear of clutter and replace the clutter with a jar of flowers or treasured family photos, instead.

3. Incorporate House Plants or Flowers

Incorporating plants into a household offers dozens of benefits. In addition to improving air quality, beautifying a space and adding personality to an area, living houseplants and fresh-cut flowers have also been shown to improve the emotions and mental states of ill or elderly patients.

Opt for easy-care plants like succulents or ferns and arrange them around the house in sunny windows and high-traffic areas. To incorporate even more beauty, opt for plants that flower, like lilies or orchids. Flowering plants give both the patient and the caretaker something to look forward to every few months and there is nothing quite likes a beautiful bloom to make a space feel happier and more positive.

4. Open Windows

Most people know that spending time outdoors offers benefits like reduced anxiety and lower blood pressure rates but, in a home care setting, it is often difficult for patients or caregivers to spend a great deal of time in nature. Fortunately, it’s easy to do the next best thing. As often as possible, throw windows open to let some fresh air into the home.

In addition to reviving a musty room by allowing fresh, clean air to enter the space, opening windows also allows both the patient and the caregiver to hear outdoor sounds such as birdsong, rainstorms, distant thunder and kids laughing down the street. Although it’s not quite the same as actually being outdoors, opening windows can have a huge impact on the positivity of a given space.

5. Apply a Fresh Coat of Paint

Although some home care settings may not allow this, sprucing up a room with paint is a wonderful way to make it feel clean, fresh and bright. Pick a color the occupant loves and paint while he/she is away.

When the painting is done, put everything away and have a mini “Welcome home” party. Painting, although simple, can have a profound effect on the positivity of an area by covering blemishes on the walls and imbuing the room with new life.

6. Hang Artwork

Hanging meaningful artwork on the walls goes a long way toward inviting positive energy into the home. Hang favorite artwork in high-traffic areas and consider placing cards or drawings done by children, friends or grandchildren in high-visibility areas like the refrigerator or in frames on the living room and bedroom walls.

Hanging meaningful artwork provides a constant reminder of love, light and happiness and can immediately make a room feel more positive.

7. Invite Nature In

If there is a large window anywhere in the home, consider placing a bird feeder directly outside of it. Bird feeders come in a variety of sizes and can be hung from freestanding iron stands if nothing else is available.

Birds will start frequenting the new feeder within a matter of days and both the resident and caregiver can enjoy spotting new species and listening to their beautiful songs.

8. Add some Color

Adding a pop of color to a room can immediately make the area feel brighter and livelier and, fortunately, it is one of the easiest changes a person can make. Place a few bright throw pillows on the couch or drape a pretty quilt over the bed for an instant boost. Color is clinically proven to influence mood and lively colors like greens, yellows and reds can have an immediate positive impact happiness and energy.

9. Use Scent

Scent is a powerful sense and multiple studies have proven that aromatherapy can actually contribute to making people feel happier. To instantly invite positive energy into a space, pick an upbeat essential oil like lavender, rosemary or tangerine and place a few drops into a diffuser.

Essential oils are non-toxic, customizable and safe and they can help make a room smell fresh, bright and happy for hours on end.

10. Pay Attention to Lighting

A room that is dark and poorly lit is almost guaranteed to feel depressing and close. Even if a room doesn’t have much natural sunlight, it is important to make sure it is well lit just the same. The simple act of turning on lamps and overhead lights at the appropriate times of day can instantly help a room feel brighter and cleaner, which can help residents and caregivers alike feel more awake, more lively and more positive.


Learning to bring positive energy into the home is especially important in a home care setting. Making a room feel happier, brighter and more expansive can have marked effects on the happiness and wellbeing of both the resident and the caretaker. Fortunately, enhancing the mood of a space is easy and these ten simple tips can help you start bringing positive energy into the home today.


Natural Anti-Inflammatory Foods | Staying Healthy When Aging

Inflammation provides a necessary function in the human body, as inflammation is a natural reaction of the immune system when battling infectious agents and removing damaged cells. Though inflammation is necessary for healing the body, too much inflammation can also pose a problem.

Particularly, inflammation is a concern when the body “overreacts” or instigates inflammation even when there are no harmful pathogens present, as characteristic in many autoimmune disorders, such as celiac disease, type 1 diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis. Too much inflammation in the body can lead to discomfort, including redness or stiffness of the inflamed area, rashes, heat, pain, and swelling (1). Furthermore, long-term chronic inflammation has also been linked to increased risk of heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and certain kinds of cancer.

Some foods contain components that promote inflammation, while others reduce inflammation. Consumption of these foods below containing anti-inflammatory agents may help alleviate the symptoms and discomfort of inflammation, as part of a healthy diet.

1. Carrots

Vitamin A deficiency can increase the body’s inflammatory response and a sufficient intake of vitamin A is beneficial both in the prevention of disease and as a potent anti-inflammatory agent (2). Vitamin A is also essential in curbing night blindness and needed for proper immune system function. As carrots contain high amounts of vitamin A, eating just a small amount of carrots is sure to fulfill your recommended intake for the day. In fact, just 1/4 cup of chopped carrots contains the recommended daily value of vitamin A!

However, although sufficient amounts of vitamin A are essential for proper health, it is important not to get too much. Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin and excess amounts are stored in the liver. Detrimental effects caused by acute or chronic vitamin A toxicity include cracked fingernails, ulcers, respiratory infections, liver abnormalities, and intense headaches.

2. Ginger

Ginger contains components that can reduce inflammation, as has also been known to decrease nausea and alleviate upset stomachs. It’s a great choice due to its versatility – it can be seeped in tea, cooked in soup or with fish, incorporated in salad dressings, and much more.

3. Broccoli

Broccoli is rich in the antioxidants flavonoids and carotenoids, which work in the body to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress to cells. Reducing or delaying oxidative stress caused by free radicals is important because it causes damage to cells, DNA, proteins, and genes. In order to retain most of broccoli’s nutritional value, avoid steaming or boiling it for more than 4-5 minutes.

4. Flaxseed

Apart from the necessary inflammation present in the immune response, a large imbalance of omega-6 consumption versus omega-3 consumption contributes to an internal environment optimal for inflammation. This is because foods containing high amounts of omega-6 are generally pro-inflammatory, while those containing omega-3 are mostly anti-inflammatory. Flaxseed (as well as fatty fish and walnuts in particular) contains high amounts of omega-3 that are necessary in combatting inflammation.

5. Basil

Basil contains eugenol, a volatile oil capable of blocking the activity of an enzyme called cyclooxygenase (COX-2) (3). COX is part of the pathway that produces compounds called prostaglandins, which is perceived by nerve endings as pain in the human body. Thus, suppressing the activity of COX is particularly beneficial to those with rheumatoid arthritis or joint aches.

6. Spinach

Spinach contains flavonoids, which also can decrease the activity of the COX-2 enzyme. Furthermore, it contains vitamin E, which functions as an antioxidant. As a tip, dark leafy vegetables generally contain more vitamin E than vegetables with light-colored leaves. Spinach can be easily incorporated in the diet by baking it as part of a low-fat quiche or adding a half cup of spinach into a fruit smoothie.

7. Cinnamon

Used as a traditional medicine in ancient times, cinnamon has anti-inflammatory properties and contains antioxidants called polyphenols, which are useful in preventing oxidative damage. Cinnamon has other therapeutic effects – it has been used as part of a remedy to treat diabetes, Alzheimer’s, gastrointestinal disorders, and has some antibacterial and anti-fungal properties (4). Sprinkle cinnamon in a hot cup of tea for a kick of flavor or bake halves of pears with honey and cinnamon at 350°F for 20 minutes, or until soft.

8. Turmeric

Turmeric is an herb that originated from Southeast Asia and has been used in India both as a spice and as part of religious ceremonies for over 4000 years (5). Its therapeutic properties of being anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial have been discovered more recently, within the past 25 years, and have been used for rheumatoid arthritis, colon cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, and wound healing (5).

Hydration: Why It’s So Important

Your body depends on water to survive.  Every cell, tissue and organ in your body needs water to work correctly.  Your body uses water to maintain temperature, remove waste, and lubricate joints.

It is important to drink throughout the day to replace the water your body loses.  Water makes up more than half your body weight.  You lose water when you go to the bathroom, sweat and even when you breathe.  You lose water even faster when the weather is really hot, when you are physically active, when you have a fever, if you are vomiting or have diarrhea.  If you don’t replace the water you lose, you can easily become dehydrated.

Staying hydratedSigns of dehydration are:

  • Dry mouth
  • Sleepiness or fatigue
  • Extreme thirst
  • Little or no urine, or urine that is darker than usual
  • Headache
  • Confusion
  • Dizziness or lightheaded feeling
  • No tears when crying

Don’t wait until you notice symptoms of dehydration.  Be proactive by drinking plenty of water.  The elderly are at greater risk of becoming dehydrated, because as you get older, you don’t have the same urge to drink.  Therefore, it is important for the elderly to drink throughout the day, even if they say they are not thirsty.

The average recommendation for daily water intake is 6-8 eight ounces of water a day.  Some people may need a little more, some a little less

In addition to water, fruits and vegetables contain water as well.   The top fruits that contain approximately 90% water per volume are watermelon, strawberries, grapefruit, cantaloupe, and peaches.  The top vegetables containing water are cucumbers, lettuce, zucchini, radishes, celery tomatoes and cabbage.


Here are some helpful tips for keeping properly hydrated:

  • Keep a bottle of water with you during the day.
  • If you don’t like the taste of plain water, try adding a slice of lemon or lime to your drink
  • Be sure to drink water before, during and after a workout.
  • When you are feeling hungry, drink water. Thirst is often confused with hunger.
  • If you have trouble remembering to drink water, drink on a schedule. You should drink water when you wake up, at every meal, and before you go to sleep.  If this does not work for you, schedule to drink a small cup of water every hour.

Celebrating National Anti-Boredom Month: 9 Steps to Help Remove Boredom in In-Home Care

When we prepare for our retirement and old age, we worry about things like money, future living situation, kids, grand kids, friends etc. What many of us forget to take into account is how boring life age can become. In our older age, kids are busy in their own lives and our friends live in different parts of the city or country. Slowly, boredom and loneliness creep in. With in-home care, there are daily interactions between the caregiver and the patient and this somewhat alleviates the boredom. But slowly, caregiving also falls into a routine and we are back to square one. However, we can prevent this mind-numbing boredom with help of companionship and spontaneity in our lives.

With July being the National Anti-Boredom month, let’s take a look at some solutions which will remove boredom for both the caregiver and the patient:

1. Get a pet:

Pets are a wonderful source of companionship, whether it is for the caregiver or the patient. They bring fun and joy in our lives. Playing with them is so entertaining and if it works for you, you can also take them out for walks. Dogs are amazingly loyal and social and will always be there with you. If you prefer a little more solitude, cats will be a good choice for you. They are very low maintenance pets who prefer to wander and give space to their humans.

2. Try gardening:

Gardening doesn’t always means being out in the garden, on your knees with your hands in the dirt. You can always get some potted plants indoors or on window sills and look after them as they grow. Watching something grow (like plants, pets or kids) and taking care of it is a very emotionally rewarding experience. Both patient and caregiver can take part in this and watch the plants grow.

3. Video Games:

Video games are exciting and provide a stimulating experience to our brains. In the past decades, these games have made impressive progress. Most of these games can now be played while sitting or lying down. You can play them alone or with partners. Try games from Wii, Nintendo, PSP, X Box etc. These games are not only fun, they give you a sense of achievement, exercise your motor skills, and stimulate your brain.

4. Internet is a wonderful thing:

Internet, one of the most useful inventions ever, is a wonderful thing. It can open the doors of a whole new universe for you. You can watch interesting or funny videos on YouTube, TV shows and movies on Netflix, use sites like Reddit, StumbleUpon to discover new things etc. If you feel uncomfortable in using a desktop or a laptop, I would suggest trying an iPad or any similar tablet. They are lightweight and easy to hold and you can surf the internet with ease. Both the patient and the caregiver can keep themselves entertained on the internet.

5. Learn a new language:

To avoid boredom, it is important to stimulate our minds. Learning new things is an excellent way to do this. When you are older or caring for an elderly person, learning a new language is a great option as it doesn’t requires physical exertion. You can use websites like Duolingo and iTalki to learn new languages for free.

6. Start a book club:

This is a great way to regularly meet up with your friends and loved ones. You can organize a biweekly or monthly book club meeting, where the members of the club meet at a fixed spot and discuss books, stories etc. You can meet at each other’s house, in parks, in cafes etc. Through book club meetings, you catch up with your friends, see them on a regular basis and get to read some new books which keeps your mind engaged.

7. Bird Sanctuary in your backyard:

The caregiver and the patient can work together to set up a small sanctuary for birds in the backyard. You will need things like feeder, birdbath, and a shelter where they can escape to in case of storms, cats etc. Once the birds start coming in, you can sit back and watch them through the windows. Bird watching is a very relaxing hobby. You can also take pictures of birds to identify their breed. It’s a fun way to spend time.

8. Puzzles and crosswords:

Activities which stimulate our brains are a great way to keep boredom at bay. Solving puzzles and crosswords are good examples of such activities. The caregiver or the patient can buy some puzzles and then they can try to solve it together. Same goes for the crosswords published in newspapers and magazines.

9. Journaling:

Getting older has one huge benefit. You now have lots of stories to tell! These stories are experiences and knowledge you have acquired over the years and it would be a shame to let it all go to waste. You can try journaling to write down your thoughts, your feelings, your experiences and your stories.

Top Qualities to Look For in a Good Caregiver

Caregivers do more than just look after their patients and attend to their needs. They nurture, and foster a bond that makes them almost a part of the family. Sometimes, they provide more than what is required of them.

Many patients spend a majority of the last years of their lives with their caregivers, so it is important for families to find home health aides who will treat their loved ones like their own. These are some of the important qualities that one should look for in a capable caregiver.

a good caregiver knows how to empathize.

To give the patient the best care possible, it is important for a caregiver to have a personal understanding of and connection with what his or her patient is going through. Being able to empathize allows the caregiver to put himself or herself in the patient’s shoes, and identify and ease the patient’s fears or discomfort.

a good caregiver is patient and flexible.

Patience and flexibility are qualities that every person in the caregiving industry must possess. There’ll be many hurdles along the way–the patient is being stubborn and uncooperative, the schedule doesn’t go as planned, or difficult situations arise. A caregiver who is very rigid will find it challenging to deal with these circumstances in a positive way.

a good caregiver is passionate about what he or she does.

What makes caregivers good is the passion for what they do. This means that they are not only in it for the compensation but genuinely care for people in need. A passionate caregiver tries to prepare for possible difficulties that his or her patient might experience and takes the necessary measures to make things easier.

Caregivers who are passionate about their jobs are happy with what they do, and this becomes evident in how they deal with their patients, who in turn will respond positively to their enthusiastic and lively attitude. Moreover, these caregivers are constantly looking for ways to improve how they perform their jobs, and ultimately, to make the lives of their patients better.

a good caregiver is attentive and responds to situations in a timely manner.

A patient, especially the elderly, needs constant care and attention. It’s the caregiver’s job, therefore, to be attuned to those needs even if the patient doesn’t or is unable to communicate them. Paying close attention to the patient’s needs is also crucial because in many cases, the patient is unaware that they require help from their caregivers, and with little or no warning, the caregiver must respond to those needs to avoid untoward events.

a good caregiver puts the needs of his or her patient first and is able to take charge when necessary.

A good caregiver knows that it is her or her role to make sure that the needs of the patient are met. But, there are times when circumstances and even people, including the patient’s family, make it difficult for the patient to receive the care he or she needs. When this happens, the caregiver must put the patient’s welfare first and he or she should be able to take charge and do everything possible for the patient to receive the required attention.

a good caregiver is a good communicator.

Good communication is key in all successful relationships and this is especially true when it comes to the relationship a caregiver has with his or her patient and the patient’s family as well.

Being able to communicate crucial details regarding the patient’s care in clear and simple terms fosters understanding and trust. This helps the caregiver perform his or her job better.

a good caregiver is creative and innovative.

Engaging the attention of patients is not easy if they are given the same activities day in and day out. Therefore, it is necessary for a caregiver to be creative in the activities he or she comes up with. The activities should be creative enough to keep the patient interested, involved, and excited.

It’s also essential for the caregiver to be innovative because each patient is unique. A technique that works on one may not work on another.

a good caregiver is committed and dependable.

Commitment to one’s job means that you can be depended on by the patient and the patient’s family. These are crucial traits because more often than not, the patient is left entirely in the caregiver’s hands.

a good caregiver is supportive and encouraging.

Every caregiver should be able to identify the kind of support the patient needs and to provide them. It’s also important for the caregiver to be encouraging because this is necessary in helping patients achieve more than what they think their capabilities allow. This is particularly helpful for older patients who need to perform regular physical and mental exercises so they can stay in shape.

a good caregiver is honest and trustworthy.

Honesty and trustworthiness are indispensable qualities in a caregiver, particularly with the live in ones who are entrusted with not only the patient’s health care but also the patient’s home and resources.

a good caregiver is able to maintain confidentiality.

Part of a caregiver’s job is to be privy to a lot of information about the patient and the patient’s family. A good caregiver knows how to keep things to himself or herself unless divulging the information is essential for the safety, well-being, and protection of the patient.

a good caregiver has a sense of humor.

Having a sense of humor is a good indicator that a caregiver is able to tolerate and deal with difficult situations, which is essential because caregiving involves conditions that more people would find hard or challenging.

A caregiver with a sense of humor also makes the atmosphere around the patient light and comfortable and this helps with the overall well-being of the patient and the caregiver as well.

a good caregiver is capable of being emotionally tough.

As humans, it’s very difficult for caregivers not to be emotionally affected by their patients. It’s also natural for a caregiver to form a genuine bond with his or her patient, which helps the caregiver perform his or her job better.

However, this bond could be a downside, especially if the patient is suffering from a severe disease or is dying. The caregiver needs to maintain a strong outward attitude despite his or her emotional sufferings for the ultimate benefit of the patient.

a good caregiver should be physically fit and have a strong constitution.

Patients that caregivers look after are often too frail to do everyday things on their own so it is important for a caregiver to have the physical strength or stamina to assist his or her ward when it’s time for a bath or if the patient needs to move from one room to another.

Additionally, a major part of caregiving involves dealing with the patient’s bodily functions, which are sometimes uncontrollable. A good caregiver accepts this part of his or her job with patience, dignity, and respect for the patient.

a good caregiver is able to perform light housekeeping.

Preparing nutritious food, cleaning, doing the laundry, and running errands are some of the things that a caregiver needs to do as part of his or her responsibilities to the patient. Some caregivers even go beyond the call of duty performing tasks, such as taking care of their patient’s grandchildren who visit or looking after their patients’ plants or pets.

a good caregiver is experienced in monitoring a patient’s vital signs, temperature, pulse, blood pressure, and respiration.

Knowing how to monitor and interpret a patient’s vital signs is an essential skill, especially if the patient is suffering from a particular medical condition.

a good caregiver is able to keep track of the patient’s medication and when medicines should be taken.

Patients often forget to take their medicines or they forget which ones to take so it’s the caregiver’s job to make sure that his or her ward is drinking the right medicine at the right time.

a good caregiver is a consummate professional.

Caregivers are not robots so it’s normal to expect that they will have “off” days due to a variety of reasons. However, it’s important not to let personal issues get in the way of their professional responsibilities. While this may be very hard, especially if the personal problem is serious and difficult to ignore, a caregiver’s first responsibility is to see to the needs of his or her patient.

If the caregiver feels that he or she cannot perform his or her duties without personal emotions getting in the way, then proper arrangements need to be made so the patient will not be negatively impacted by the circumstances.

Being a qualified caregiver involves more than just having adequate training and experience because many capable caregivers have had little or no formal education or background in the field. They, however, possess the qualities in this list and the sincere desire to help their patients to the best of their abilities.



Good Qualities of a Caregiver:

10 Things That Make In-Home Caregivers Stand Out:

Important Traits Every Caregiver Should Have:

Characteristics of Good Senior Home Care Providers:

The Top 10 Qualities of a Great Live-In Caregiver:

Characteristics of a Good Home Caregiver:

10 Personal Qualities Required for an Aged Care Worker:

10 Foods to Promote Good Health in Seniors

Eating right plays a huge role in maintaining good health, which is especially crucial for the aging population, where malnutrition is associated with a weaker immune system and slower healing. But with all the foods out there and all the commotion over one vitamin supplementation over the other, which are the ones we should pay attention to?

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGAs), a report by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, emphasizes “nutrients of concern”, or nutrients that are generally consumed in amounts less than recommended, which can pose a health risk. The purpose of the report is to provide information to encourage healthy eating, to promote healthy weight and reduce the risk of diet-related chronic illnesses, and functions as the primary source of information for policy makers and nutrition educators. As discoveries in the scientific field are constantly being made, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans is republished every five years to reflect new, emerging evidence and the implications it may have on our health.

Thus, it is important to keep an eye on these “nutrients of concern” as consuming these in their recommended amounts is beneficial for overall health. Check out the following list of 10 foods, which contain significant amounts of these nutrients, and others, to promote good health in seniors and the aging class:

  1. Low-Fat Yogurt

Yogurt is a great source of calcium, with one cup providing a whopping 300-450mg of calcium. It is recommended that women over the age of 50 and men over the age of 70 consume 1200mg of calcium per day. Men between the ages of 51-69 should consume 1000mg of calcium per day (1). Calcium is essential for bone and teeth health, as it plays a vital role in bone mineralization. Maintaining a proper consumption of calcium is necessary to prevent loss of bone density and reduce risk of osteoporosis, a condition characterized by weak and porous bones, caused by a long-term low calcium intake.

Yogurt also contains probiotics, or “good” bacteria, that help maintain proper gut flora in the human body and aids in digestion.

For those wishing to reduce their intake of added sugar, opt for a plain, unsweetened brand of yogurt. Top off one cup of yogurt with one tablespoon of organic honey and 1/4 cup of your choice of chopped berries for a kick of vitamin C.

  1. Dry Roasted Sunflower Seeds

Vitamin E, found in sunflower seeds, functions as an antioxidant in the human body. Antioxidants are capable of repairing damage in the human body and protects lipids, proteins, and DNA. Vitamin E is also essential during the formation of red blood cells. Good sources of vitamin E also include: almonds, spinach, and pumpkin.

  1. Salmon

Fish is a great source of omega-3. The 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends consuming about 8 oz. more fish per week, as increased consumption of omega-3’s in fish and seafood is associated with less cardiac deaths. While some people are worried about mercury levels in seafood, salmon is one of the species that contain relatively low levels of mercury. Other species include trout, anchovies, Atlantic mackerel, and oysters (2).

  1. Tofu

Tofu is a versatile food, made from soybeans, that contains high amounts of protein and calcium. Protein is one of the macronutrients essential for life. Not only does protein provide energy (calories), but it is also used in repairing tissues, forming enzymes necessary for chemical reactions inside our bodies, and much more. Tofu is also an excellent source of calcium. Though it varies from brand to brand (check the label!), a half-cup of tofu can contain approx. 400 mg of calcium, or the same amount as one cup of yogurt!

  1. Bananas

Potassium, found in bananas and other fruits, is another one of the “nutrients of concern” to look out for. Potassium functions in fluid balance in cells and works as an electrolyte. Having a low intake of potassium may be associated with elevated blood pressure, as well.

  1. Guavas

Fiber, a component in many fruits and vegetables, has two main functions depending on which type of fiber it is – insoluble fiber or soluble fiber. Guavas contains higher amounts of insoluble fiber, which aids in bowel movement by speeding up the passage of waste through the digestive tract. Getting enough insoluble fiber in the diet can reduce risk of a condition called diverticulitis, which is inflammation or infection of pouches in the wall of the colon.

  1. Lentil Soup

Lentils are seeds in the legume family that contain a high amount of soluble fiber. Consuming enough soluble fiber, as part of a healthy diet, can decrease the risk of coronary heart disease by lowering the level of cholesterol in the body. Soluble fiber achieves this by binding to circulating cholesterol throughout the body. This cholesterol then leaves the body through waste, thus lowering the amount of cholesterol still present in the body.

  1. Mushrooms

Vitamin D, found in mushrooms, works hand in hand with calcium to promote bone health. Although not much is known about vitamin D at this point, emerging research hints at vitamin D having a possible role in chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease and cancer.

  1. Whole Wheat Breads

Apart from providing more fiber than refined bread, whole wheat products contain more B vitamins, vitamin E, zinc, iron, magnesium, and copper than refined grains. This is because during the refining process, the bran (outer layer) and the germ of the whole wheat grain, which contain these nutrients, is removed.

  1. Spinach

Spinach contains high amounts of magnesium, which is needed for proper nerve and muscle function. Magnesium is a cofactor in the chemical reactions in the body and also functions in control of blood sugar levels. Low levels of magnesium have also been linked to: high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, migraine headaches, and cardiovascular disease (3).




