Why Getting Outside is So Good For You

Spending some time outdoors is great for mental and physical health, especially for seniors. It is a good idea to make going outdoors a part of your daily routine. Simply spending just half an hour outdoors each day can greatly improve your overall well-being and state of mind.

Being outdoors brings a whole host of mental and physical health benefits to seniors. The following are just some of these benefits:

Being Outdoors Increases Your Vitamin D Levels

According to health surveys, a large proportion of Americans have low Vitamin D levels. This is especially so for the senior population. It is a problem that needs to be corrected because Vitamin D is important for fighting inflammation and improving the immune system, both of which are extremely important for seniors. Having an adequate amount of Vitamin D is also essential for bone health, and may also be helpful for a wide range of health problems such as heart attacks and certain kinds of cancer. In addition, higher levels of Vitamin D and natural light have been said to be effective for offsetting depression and boosting overall happiness.

So how can this Vitamin D deficit be remedied? The solution is extremely simple. Just getting outdoors and spending about 15 minutes in the sun daily can help your body to get its recommended daily amount of Vitamin D.

Spending Time In Green Spaces Has Been Linked to an Improved Immunity System

Somewhat similar to improved health due to increased levels of Vitamin D, spending time in the outdoors has also been directly linked to an improved immunity system. According to a study at Tokyo’s Nippon Medical School, women who spent six hours in the woods over a time span of two days showed an increase in virus- and tumor- fighting white blood cells subsequently. This boost even lasted for a minimum of seven days. Hence, seniors should try to spend more time outdoors in order to reap these fantastic health benefits.

Being Outdoors is Great for Improving Your Mood

Research has shown that spending some time outdoors can help to reduce feelings of anxiety and depression. Specifically, a study by the University of Michigan has found that group nature walks are linked to enhanced mental health and positivity, and significantly lower levels of depression and stress. A study by Glasgow University also showed that people who walked, biked, or ran in nature had a lower risk of poor mental health than people who choose to work out indoors.

This is especially helpful for seniors, who commonly suffer from anxiety and depression problems. As such, they should try to regularly spend time in green spaces such as parks, where they will feel more relaxed and hence improve their overall happiness.

Spending Time Outdoors Can Energize You

According to a 2010 study by the University of Rochester, spending time outdoors makes people ‘feel more alive’. It seems to bring seniors an increased sense of vitality and energy, which in turn is helpful or boosting resiliency to physical illnesses. Richard Ryan, a professor of psychology at the University of Rochester, has suggested that connecting with nature is an even better way to combat feeling depleted than reaching for a cup of coffee.

Being Outdoors Helps You Achieve a More Restful Sleep

When you spend more time outdoors, you tend to spend less time in artificial light. Numerous studies have shown that people who spend all day in artificial light tend to have trouble falling and staying asleep at night. On the other hand, if you spend a little time in natural sunlight each day, you will have a well-regulated internal body clock. This allows you to have a more restful sleep each night.

The outdoors can improve your attention levels

According to a study published in the Psychological Science academic journal, interactions with nature allows the brain to have a break from everyday over-stimulation. This in turn results in a restorative effect on one’s attention levels, bringing improved focus and mental health. So why not consider a trip to the countryside for a short getaway?

The outdoors helps you to recover from injury and illness more quickly

Some studies have suggested that nature helps a person to recover from injury and illness more quickly. For instance, a 2005 study by the University of Pittsburgh found that spinal surgery patients who had greater exposure to natural light tended to take fewer pain medications and experienced less stress than patients who did not. Another study found that patients in rooms with nature views went home sooner than patients in rooms that had more urban views. This benefit is especially helpful for seniors, who tend to take a longer time than most to recover from illnesses. Also, the longer a senior stays ill or injured, the more dangerous complications tend to develop. As such, it is ideal for seniors to make full use of this health benefit to ensure that they recover from any injury or illness in the fastest time possible.








How to Have a Healthy Thanksgiving

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, everyone is busy coming up with a menu for the big feast. Thanksgiving is famous for being all about overindulgence and eating, but it can be a stressful experience for those who need to be careful about what they eat, such as seniors and diabetics, or even just for individuals who are highly health conscious, since Thanksgiving meals tend to be rather high in unhealthy substances such as sodium, sugar and fat.

Of course, it is not a good solution to completely skip the festivities just because you are afraid of weight gain or if you are worried about there not being anything that you are able to eat. Believe it or not, it is actually possible for you to enjoy the holiday and stay healthy at the same time. Here are some simple but effective tips for you to enjoy a healthy thanksgiving.

Making Healthier Food Choices

Watch your portions

If you can, try to limit yourself to just one plate. This helps to prevent over-stuffing yourself. Sample small portions of each dish, and avoid going back for seconds if you can. In the case that you are tempted to return for seconds, wait for about 20 minutes to half an hour first. This is because it takes a while to feel full, and after waiting for about 20 minutes you may find that you no longer want to go for seconds.

Don’t gobble down your food

Since it takes a while for you to feel full, try to eat slowly. If you gobble all your food down, you probably won’t feel satiated even after you have cleared your plate. This increases your likelihood of going back for seconds even though you have in fact already eaten a lot.

Have breakfast in the morning

Some may think that it is a good idea to skip breakfast in the morning in order to save up calories for the big feast. This is a common misconception. By skipping your morning meal, you will be ravenous by the time the Thanksgiving feast comes around, and you are likely to end up overeating. To avoid this, you should have a small breakfast so that you will have more control over your appetite. Including some protein and fiber in your breakfast will also help to take the edge of your appetite.

Stay properly hydrated

Ensure that you drink adequate water throughout the day. Not being properly hydrated will result in thirst, which is often mistaken as hunger pangs. This will cause you to overeat as well.

Make healthy substitutions

Thanksgiving dishes tend to be richer and more filling than your everyday fare, but here are some healthy substitutions and choices you can make in order to have a healthier Thanksgiving meal. These are especially ideal for seniors and diabetic, and for any individuals who need to watch their diet.

  • Instead of eating the dark meat with skin, opt for the white meat without the skin. When you make this substitution, the same 6oz portion of turkey can have a difference of 190 calories and 17g of fat.
  • Use fat-free chicken broth to baste the turkey, and in your gravy.
  • Don’t add the marshmallows on your sweet potatoes. You can choose to add other spices such as cinnamon and nutmeg to keep things flavorful. This helps to reduce your caloric intake by about 100 calories.
  • Skip the pecan pie for dessert. Instead, you can go for healthier dessert options such as a pumpkin pie. This cuts more than 100 calories from your Thanksgiving meal.
  • Use fruit purees instead of oil in your baked goods.
  • Try using plain yogurt or fat-free sour cream when making your creamy dips, mashed potatoes, or casseroles.
  • Make your own cranberries, instead of going for the jellied cranberry sauce. This saves you more than 100 calories.

Healthy Thanksgiving activities

Aside from making healthier food choices, you can also choose to engage in some healthy Thanksgiving activities in order to neutralize the effects of the rich and calorie-dense meal.

Socialize during the meal

Instead of focusing on the food, engage in conversation with your friends and family. After all, you can’t talk and eat at the same time!

Volunteer to help clean up

Instead of spending your time finishing up the leftovers or going back for seconds or thirds, why not volunteer to help your host clean up? This not only helps to take your attention away from the food, but the physical act of cleaning up itself will also help you to burn some calories. Not to mention, your host will definitely appreciate the gesture.

Plan a post-meal walk

After enjoying your scrumptious meal, go for a post-meal walk together. A brisk walk will help you to burn some calories. It is also a great opportunity to get some fresh air and to bond with your friends and family.

Plan to work out the next morning

Most people will feel bloated the lethargic the day after Thanksgiving. Instead of lazing around the house, plan a work out. The knowledge that you have committed to burn off the extra calories the day after allows you to feel less guilty when indulging during your Thanksgiving meal. What’s more, knowing that you have an early-morning workout the next morning might keep you from reaching for that additional glass of wine!

If you are worried that you will not have the discipline to keep to your morning workout, schedule a fitness date with a friend for that morning. You can then keep each other accountable, and you won’t be able to bail!








10 Easy and Natural Exercises to Help Keep Your Brain in Shape

One of the most common myths about aging is that memory loss and impaired brain function is inherent in the process. While aging is inevitable, cognitive decline is not and there are many simple steps seniors and older individuals can take to keep their brains in tip-top shape for years to come. By adopting these simple exercises and habits, it’s easy to keep your brain sharp and alert at any age.

1) Journaling

Did you know that something as simple as journaling can help keep your brain sharp? Since writing involves carrying out a physical action to form letters and make meaning, the simple act of hand-writing something has been shown to sharpen mental function, activating and honing the parts of our brains that are responsible for memory and language formation.

This is not true for typing on a keyboard, however, since the act of pressing a key doesn’t trigger the same brain activity.  In order to get all the brain benefits writing has to offer, try to make it a daily practice. You don’t have to spend hours writing, either – a simple 15 or 20 minutes of jotting down your thoughts every morning is more than enough to trigger enhanced mental function and keep your brain sharp.

2) Take short naps

In addition to being good for your body, a short nap is also fantastic for your brain. According to a study conducted by Rosalind Cartwright ad Dr. Alon Avidan, chairmen of the psychology department at Rush University and director of the sleep disorders program at UCLA, respectively, a power nap of 15-20 minutes each day can improve memory and overall cognitive ability. Be careful to keep your naps short, though, so that you don’t fall into a deep sleep and risk throwing off your circadian rhythms for the following night’s sleep.

3) Stay hydrated

The human brain is roughly 85% comprised of water and you can bet that if you get dehydrated, it’s going to affect your brain function first and foremost.  With that in mind, drinking plenty of water (at least 8-10 glasses a day, and more for seniors who take diuretics) is a great way to stay mentally sharp and keep the brain functioning well at every stage of life.

Staying hydrated doesn’t just mean water, though. According to one study, drinking plenty of fruit and vegetable juice can protect against Alzheimer’s disease, so if you want to reduce the risk of cognitive decline it’s wise to supplement your water intake with plenty of high-quality juices.

4) Play music

Most people know that learning and practicing a musical instrument enhances overall brain function but few people know that learning to play an instrument is one of the best ways to create new neural pathways and to enhance the body’s dopamine levels, both of which lead to better moods, decreased depressive symptoms and enhanced mental function.

5) Shake up your routine

Switching up your daily routine is a little bit like alternating your physical workouts. When you change what you do at the gym everyday, your body has to work more efficiently and stay on its toes, which creates better physical function and produces better fitness results.

The same thing goes for the brain – by switching up your daily routine, you keep your brain alert and functioning at a high level. You don’t need to turn your days on their heads to do this effectively, either. By simply making small changes to your routine a few times a week, like showering in the evening rather than the morning or checking your emails at a different time, you can produce new brain connections and feel more alert and focused throughout the day. While they may seem small, simple changes to your daily routine can be surprisingly effective at encouraging your brain to stay sharp and active.

6) Get enough sleep

Getting enough sleep is a lot like getting enough water – it’s absolutely imperative to your brain’s overall function. During deep sleep, the brain solidifies and stores memories, which means that getting enough sleep is absolutely imperative to fending off memory loss and normal cognitive decline. Poor or inadequate sleep leads to poor memory and learning and can contribute to new or worsening dementia-like symptoms.

Additionally, not getting enough sleep can make you feel sluggish, sad, forgetful or confused, which makes it tough to execute your daily tasks effectively. To reap all the benefits of a great night’s sleep, shoot to get at least 7-9 hours per night.

7) Get enough aerobic exercise

Some scientists believe that regular aerobic exercise helps improve memory. This means that activities like jogging, brisk walking, or swimming are some of the best ways to keep your brain healthy and functioning well. To take advantage of everything exercise has to offer, aim to squeeze in at least 30 minutes of mild to moderate activity every other day. This will help keep your brain sharp, improve your thinking skills, and help keep your body limber and healthy.

8) Eat a varied diet

You are what you eat and it’s impossible for the body to function well without adequate nutrition. With this in mind, it’s important to eat a low glycemic diet that’s high in fiber and good fats and proteins. This creates a steady digestive process and provides the brain with a reliable, adequate stream of energy on which to function, thereby optimizing mental function and creating a sharper and more alert mindset all day.

9) Enjoy moderate caffeine intake

While the medical wisdom surrounding caffeine intake has always been tumultuous, more evidence is stating that mild caffeine intake may protect the brain from cognitive decline. According to current science, drinking between 2-4 cups of coffee or caffeinated tea each day can help protect you from cognitive decline while also providing an important boost of antioxidants that help protect your body from harmful free radicals.

10) De-stress

Stress is very damaging for the entire body – including the brain. Because stress floods the brain with harmful chemicals, it can actually interrupt the formation of new memories. With this in mind, it’s important to limit sources of stress wherever possible. Practicing a calming activity like yoga or tai chi can be a great way to do this, as can a daily walk or spending time with friends. While it may not seem like an obvious danger to your brain, stress can impair mental function more than many people think.

While aging is inevitable, getting mentally dull doesn’t have to be. With these simple exercises, you can keep your brain sharp and ensure high-class mental function for many years to come.

Telling The Difference Between Normal Forgetfulness and Dementia in Seniors

As we age, it’s not uncommon for us to experience so-called “senior moments” – moments of temporary forgetfulness or absent-mindedness. In some cases, this is a normal side effect of aging and, in others, it’s a symptom of the beginnings of dementia. Many people, however, aren’t exactly sure how to tell the difference.

In some cases, dementia can begin to crop up as early as the 40s or 50s and in some cases it appears much later in life. Often, people wonder if forgetting where they placed their car keys or if they already returned that important call is a symptom they should be concerned about. While some symptoms may be dangerous, some instances of forgetfulness are simply the result of busy lives and too little “me time.”

So, how do you tell the difference between early signs of dementia and normal age-induced forgetfulness?

Read on to learn more.

Signs it’s just Forgetfulness

If the following things apply to you or a loved one, it’s likely that the scatterbrained behavior is the result of normal aging:

  1. You remember what you forgot later. If you forgot where you put your keys or were trying to remember the name of the street your daughter lives on but couldn’t, don’t worry. As long as you remember the information later (be it 5 minutes or two hours later) you’re probably fine. The ability to eventually recall information differentiates age-induced forgetfulness from dementia, which renders people unable to remember misplaced information at all.
  2. You can be reminded of forgotten information. Have you ever lost your train of thought during a conversation only to be reminded of what you were saying by a friend? This is an example of “normal” or age-induced forgetfulness. All people get forgetful at some point, but when simple reminders from friends or family can help you pick up where you left off, it’s likely that you’re simply experiencing normal forgetfulness.
  3. Tools help you remember. If you forget to take your medication unless you set a cell phone reminder or write yourself a note, the forgetfulness is likely nothing to worry about. People who use post-it notes or electronic reminders to trigger certain behaviors are likely experiencing “normal” forgetfulness. On the other hand, people who don’t remember what their reminders are there for may be displaying symptoms of dementia.
  4. Forgetting things occasionally. Did you just meet someone new and you’re having a tough time remembering their name? After you’ve been reminded once or twice, the information should be easier for you to retrieve. If it’s not, the forgetfulness may be a symptom of dementia. When people repeatedly forget the same thing despite being reminded of it time and time again, it’s likely that they are suffering from the early stages of dementia.
  5. Forgetfulness is associated with being busy. If you forgot to return a phone call or make your way to a meeting because you were having a busy day, it’s probably normal forgetfulness. When we’re excessively busy, we only have room for so much information in our minds and, naturally, some things get pushed out. If you’re usually on top of things but tend to get forgetful when you’ve got too many balls in the air, fear not. This is probably normal forgetfulness. This is especially true if you remember what you were supposed to be doing later.
  6. Being able to execute self-care. If you had a crazy day and forgot five things but can still settle into a nice bath or feed yourself well at the end of the day, you’re probably experiencing normal forgetfulness. Very poor hygiene or missing meals, on the other hand, is a sign of dementia and a warning sign for Alzheimer’s.

Signs of Dementia

Forgetfulness that is related to dementia is very different from “normal” forgetfulness and can be characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. Difficulty with simple tasks. If you or a loved one has a hard time remembering to pay bills, pick up spouses or children or carry out normal hygiene procedures like brushing teeth and bathing, it’s likely that this forgetfulness is a sign of dementia. This is also true for people who lose weight due to forgetting to eat or for people who gain weight because they eat many meals and forget about previous ones.
  2. Inability to remember previous memory loss episodes. Forgetting the name of the street you live on and then remembering that you’ve forgotten is one thing. Forgetting previous incidents where memory loss has been a problem, however, is an entirely different situation. If you notice that a friend or loved one is having difficulty remembering times when memory loss has been a problem, it’s likely that this is a sign of dementia.
  3. Difficulty in familiar settings. While it’s normal to get lost in new places, it’s not normal to get lost on your way home. If you notice that a friend or loved one is forgetting how to get home or to the store or cannot remember which room is the bedroom or which car belongs to him or her, these are signs of dementia.
  4. Frequently forgetting words. While it’s normal to grapple for the right word, it’s not normal to forget words altogether. If you notice that a friend or loved one cannot remember simple words, slurs words or forgets important information like a loved one’s name or birthday, it’s time to seek help. This is also true if a loved one garbles information, repeats the same words or phrases multiple times in a conversation or tells the same story over and over.
  5. Poor judgment. If forgetfulness has reached the level where the individual is making forgetful judgments that place health or safety at risk, like going out in the winter without a jacket or leaving the stove or gas on at home, there’s a high possibility that you’re dealing with dementia-like symptoms.
  6. Difficulty making decisions. If a person you love is having a hard time making simple decisions like what to eat or where to go or if they become frustrated over simple issues, it’s likely that this is dementia-related forgetfulness. Additionally, if a person you love seems to have “Forgotten” how to act in social situations or acts out in dangerous or inappropriate ways, it’s likely that these are signs of dementia.

What to do When Signs of Dementia Appear

If you’ve noticed that a loved one seems to be displaying signs of dementia, it’s important to enlist the help of a doctor. When memory loss becomes frequent or severe, it can place a person at serious risk of injury or death.

A doctor will assess the patient’s memory history and any present risk factors, such as family history of dementia and medications. Once a diagnosis has been made, the doctor will treat the person for memory loss symptoms and may be able to recommend some care measures that will help alleviate the symptoms of memory loss and make life safer and more enjoyable. Additionally, early diagnosis is important to get ahead of memory loss symptoms and ensure that proper care is received.

Although memory loss is a frightening prospect, there are many ways to determine the difference between normal forgetfulness and dangerous Alzheimer’s symptoms. If you notice any of the dementia symptoms in yourself or a loved one, seek medical care immediately in order to produce a positive outcome.

7 Smartphone Apps That Will Help Monitor Your Health

There’s no doubt about it – we live in technological times. Fortunately, much of our modern technology is dedicated to making our lives better. From meal planning apps to activity trackers, today’s technology is great for staying healthy and active. If you’re interested in turning your smartphone into a pocked-sized health center, download the following apps:

1. Amwell App

Have a question you’d love to ask a doctor but can’t get in for an appointment? No problem – Amwell allows users to consult a medical provider any time he or she needs a medical consultation. Simply open the app, tap through a few choices, pick a specialty and a provider within that specialty and get an immediate video conference with a doctor.

Although this service doesn’t replace the care of an in-person doctor, it can be a great way to address minor medical concerns from anywhere you may be right now. This app is available as a free download for both iPhone and Android users.

2. Sleep Cycle Alarm Clock App

You know how it feels – you wake up after 8 hours of sleep and you’re still drowsy. Waking up drowsy makes the entire day difficult and can impair everything from memory to overall cognitive function. If you’re waking up drowsy and you’re not sure why, it’s possible that you’re waking up during the wrong stage of your sleep cycle – most likely while you’re in a deep sleep.

This makes you feel drowsy upon awakening and contributes to low-functioning days. To ensure that you wake up rested and refreshed, try the Sleep Cycle Alarm Clock app, which monitors movements during sleep and wakes you up during a period of light sleep when you’re likely to bound out of bed feeling refreshed.

The app eliminates the risk of oversleeping by featuring a customizable window of 90 minutes. This means that users can input an “earliest possible” and “latest possible” wake time and the app will wake you up during the lightest sleep phase during the time window, so you’ll never have to worry about being late. Additionally, the app offers sleep graphs and charts, so users can track weekly and nightly sleep patterns and cycles. Available to download on iPhone for $4.99 and Android for $1.99.

3. Drugs.com App

The Drugs.com app is a great place for people who need dependable information about medications. All users need to do is click into the app and locate the medication they’re curious about. The app searches the extensive Drugs.com database and gives users the generic and brand name forms of the medication, the drug’s information, potential interaction dangers and much more.

Users can also create a personalized drug list to check for possible interactions and to identify potential generic forms that may be less expensive. Additionally, this app allows users to look up unknown pills by inputting the pill’s shape, color or imprint. As the leading online drug database, the Drugs.com app is a great way for people to take charge of their medication. The app is available for free to iPhone and Android users.

4. Whole Foods Market App

If you’re like most people, it’s likely that you’ve found yourself eating junk food for dinner simply because you couldn’t figure out what to cook. With the Whole Foods Market app, this problem is a thing of the past. This app allows users to access more than 3,500 online recipes and search recipes according to special dietary needs, course, ingredients and type of cuisine.

The app also allows users to compile a healthy shopping list directly from the recipes. Finally, users can use the app to find recipes that use the ingredients they already have lying around the kitchen. Ideal for users who want to eat healthy without breaking the budget, the Whole Foods Market app is a free download for both iPhone and Android users.

5. My Diet Coach App

Trying to lose weight? Don’t go it alone. The My Diet Coach app is exactly what it sounds like – a diet coach that fits into your pocket and offers motivation, reminders and goals right in your pocket. Use the app to track your meals, keep notes about which foods to eat and which to avoid, keep exercise and food logs, take photos of your progress and set fitness goals.

To make this app even better, it gives users virtual prizes when pre-set goals are met. Losing weight is hard enough on its own and My Diet Coach offers just the right level of motivation and encouragement to keep you going strong. This app is available for free to both iPhone and Android users.

6. Moves App

Currently, the average American sits for at least eight hours a day. This sedentary lifestyle is rife with health problems, including poor mental health, increased risk of heart disease, diabetes and depression and an increased risk of suffering from physical disabilities. With all of that in mind, it’s obvious that moving more is an important part of maintaining optimal health at all life stages.

Moves is an app that helps encourage users to move more on a daily basis. The app tracks all types of movement – including walking, running, biking or yoga – and displays the activity as a virtual storyline that allows users to track their progress. The app also tracks caloric intake and displays walking and jogging routes as paths on a map.

Users can use the app to compare daily progress and to track how much they move each week. Ideal for people who want to set activity goals and be more active each day, Moves is a great app for getting healthy and staying that way. Moves is available for free to both iPhone and Android users.

7. Lumosity Mobile App

Lumosity is a popular web-based service that offers brain games that function on the idea of neuroplasticity – the concept that our brains can be improved throughout life by building new neural pathways that affect emotions, behavior, and memory. The Lumosity app is a pocket-sized training program that is designed to help users stay sharp and increase their cognitive abilities at all life stages.

The app works by creating a series of fun, personalized games that exercise different aspects of the brain – such as memory, attention span, and multi-tasking. The app also allows users to track performance and set goals in order to gauge progress and improvement. The Lumosity App is available for free to both iPhone and Android users.

While you could play Angry Birds or Candy Crush on your smartphone all day, that these apps are a better use of your screen time. Whether you’re looking to lose weight, sleep better, move more or give your brain a workout, these great health apps can help you meet your goals and be healthier every day.