Why Seniors Should Avoid Eating These 10 “Healthy” Foods

Healthy eating is an important part of maintaining optimal health and ensuring an active lifestyle throughout the years, but did you know that there are many “healthy” foods seniors shouldn’t be eating?

Many of these foods are off-limits due to their high bacteria content or food poisoning potential, which may compromise the health and safety of seniors in their older years. For seniors who want to stay healthy and cut down on the likelihood of food-borne illnesses, it’s generally best to avoid the following foods:

1. Sprouts

Sprouts, the sprouted greens of broccoli, alfalfa, or bean seeds, are generally considered a health-food wonder and are consumed by people all over the world due to the fact that they provide a huge variety of nutritional and digestive support and many needed vitamin and minerals.

Sprouts are dangerous for seniors, however, because they are a virtual breeding ground for illness-inducing bacteria. When seeds sprout, they can grow bacteria like salmonella and E-coli, which then gets trapped inside the seed. When seniors ingest contaminated seeds, they can become very ill, which may lead to dangerous secondary conditions like pneumonia or weight loss. In order to get all the benefits of sprouts without the dangerous risk of bacteria, seniors should consume plenty of leafy greens like Kale, collard greens, spinach, and Swiss chard instead.

2. Soft cheeses

Soft cheeses like Brie, chevre, Camembert, and blue cheese are generally unpasteurized and, as such, they can allow bacteria to breed in large amounts. While these soft cheese varieties may not be as much of an illness threat for younger people, they can harm seniors with a compromised immune system or a delicate stomach. It is important to note, however, that cheese offers a good dietary source of Vitamin D and seniors can get all the health benefits of cheese by eating varieties like cheddar, Monterey jack, and Swiss rather than soft varieties.

3. Raw meat

Some raw meat dishes, like Carpaccio (which consists of thin slivers of raw filets of beef) or steak tartare, are considered delicacies, but seniors should generally avoid them. The reason for this is that these foods are uncooked, which means that any bacteria present in the meat has not been killed by heat. This can make seniors very ill and can lead to the development of secondary conditions. Instead of eating raw meat, seniors should opt to consume lean white meat like chicken and regular portions of high-quality, cooked seafood to support optimal brain function and healthy joints.

4. Sushi

Sushi is eaten around the world and is considered a health food due to its high levels of vitamins, minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids. While seniors can safely enjoy consuming cooked sushi varieties (such as those that use smoked salmon or cooked shrimp, for example), it is generally wise for seniors to avoid eating raw (sashimi) varieties as these may harbor dangerous bacteria that can make seniors very ill.

5. Oysters, clams, and mussels

For those who love them, oysters, clams, and mussels are a popular form of raw seafood that is packed with vitamins and minerals. Unfortunately, they can also pack a serious bacterial punch, which can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, and dehydration in seniors. Because these foods are raw and sourced from around the world, it can be difficult to assure their quality and purity, and if a senior eats a bad one, it can have disastrous health consequences. If seniors want to eat these foods, they should always be cooked and should come from a reputable source, although it’s wise to talk to your doctor beforehand.

6. Raw eggs

We’ve all seen images of people consuming raw eggs in order to build muscle and have more energy, but raw and undercooked eggs can actually be very dangerous for seniors. This is because raw eggs present a salmonella risk and can have unfortunate health consequences for seniors.

In light of this, seniors shouldn’t eat raw eggs and should avoid foods like unpasteurized eggnog, French toast, homemade Cesar dressing and hollandaise sauce, all of which include undercooked eggs in some form or another. Eggs on their own are a healthy food filled with important nutrients but in order to be safe for seniors they need to be cooked or baked fully, as in scrambled or hard-boiled eggs.

7. Unpasteurized milk

Unpasteurized milk is often revered as a health food due to its intact mineral levels and high levels of beneficial fats, but seniors should avoid it altogether. This is because unpasteurized milk breeds and harbors bacteria in higher levels than pasteurized milk, which is super-heated to kill dangerous bacteria and keep the milk safe for human consumption.

While this doesn’t mean that seniors need to steer clear of milk altogether, it does mean that they should stay with pasteurized whole-milk varieties.

8. Unpasteurized juice

Unpasteurized juice has long been considered a health food due to the fact that the lack of pasteurization (high heat) leaves the juice’s nutrients intact. Unfortunately, however, anything that is unpasteurized leaves itself open to dangerous bacteria development and seniors who drink unpasteurized juices are at increased risk of food-borne illnesses and diseases.

Fortunately, seniors can get all of the same health benefits of unpasteurized juices by drinking high-quality pasteurized fruit and vegetable juices.

9. Multigrain bread

This “health food” comes with a caveat: while multigrain bread can be good for seniors, it’s important to look at the ingredient list when making bread purchasing decisions. If the bread is made with a collection of refined flours, it’s likely that it doesn’t pack much more of a nutritional punch than Wonderbread and, if it’s made with high-fructose corn syrup, it is likely to do more harm to a senior’s body than good.

To ensure that seniors are purchasing and consuming healthful multigrain bread, it’s important to look for varieties that are made with whole wheat flours and to ensure that they don’t have any high fructose corn syrup within them. Bread is an important staple for seniors and high-quality, multigrain varieties can support the health of a variety of body systems.

10. Low-fat foods

While the war on fat has been raging for years, it’s not generally wise to avoid foods with natural levels of fat in them. Healthy fats, like those found in fish, nuts, and olive oil, have heart-protecting benefits and can help seniors stay healthy and alert for many years. That said, it’s important to opt for full-fat varieties in things like milk and yogurt. These healthy fats offer brain and joint protection and support that low-fat varieties never will.


What’s good for one may not be good for all and seniors will do well to avoid these 10 “health foods” as they age. Doing this helps seniors reduce the risk of contracting food-borne illnesses and helps keep seniors healthy, happy, fit, and active throughout their golden years.



Why Getting Outside is So Good For You

Spending some time outdoors is great for mental and physical health, especially for seniors. It is a good idea to make going outdoors a part of your daily routine. Simply spending just half an hour outdoors each day can greatly improve your overall well-being and state of mind.

Being outdoors brings a whole host of mental and physical health benefits to seniors. The following are just some of these benefits:

Being Outdoors Increases Your Vitamin D Levels

According to health surveys, a large proportion of Americans have low Vitamin D levels. This is especially so for the senior population. It is a problem that needs to be corrected because Vitamin D is important for fighting inflammation and improving the immune system, both of which are extremely important for seniors. Having an adequate amount of Vitamin D is also essential for bone health, and may also be helpful for a wide range of health problems such as heart attacks and certain kinds of cancer. In addition, higher levels of Vitamin D and natural light have been said to be effective for offsetting depression and boosting overall happiness.

So how can this Vitamin D deficit be remedied? The solution is extremely simple. Just getting outdoors and spending about 15 minutes in the sun daily can help your body to get its recommended daily amount of Vitamin D.

Spending Time In Green Spaces Has Been Linked to an Improved Immunity System

Somewhat similar to improved health due to increased levels of Vitamin D, spending time in the outdoors has also been directly linked to an improved immunity system. According to a study at Tokyo’s Nippon Medical School, women who spent six hours in the woods over a time span of two days showed an increase in virus- and tumor- fighting white blood cells subsequently. This boost even lasted for a minimum of seven days. Hence, seniors should try to spend more time outdoors in order to reap these fantastic health benefits.

Being Outdoors is Great for Improving Your Mood

Research has shown that spending some time outdoors can help to reduce feelings of anxiety and depression. Specifically, a study by the University of Michigan has found that group nature walks are linked to enhanced mental health and positivity, and significantly lower levels of depression and stress. A study by Glasgow University also showed that people who walked, biked, or ran in nature had a lower risk of poor mental health than people who choose to work out indoors.

This is especially helpful for seniors, who commonly suffer from anxiety and depression problems. As such, they should try to regularly spend time in green spaces such as parks, where they will feel more relaxed and hence improve their overall happiness.

Spending Time Outdoors Can Energize You

According to a 2010 study by the University of Rochester, spending time outdoors makes people ‘feel more alive’. It seems to bring seniors an increased sense of vitality and energy, which in turn is helpful or boosting resiliency to physical illnesses. Richard Ryan, a professor of psychology at the University of Rochester, has suggested that connecting with nature is an even better way to combat feeling depleted than reaching for a cup of coffee.

Being Outdoors Helps You Achieve a More Restful Sleep

When you spend more time outdoors, you tend to spend less time in artificial light. Numerous studies have shown that people who spend all day in artificial light tend to have trouble falling and staying asleep at night. On the other hand, if you spend a little time in natural sunlight each day, you will have a well-regulated internal body clock. This allows you to have a more restful sleep each night.

The outdoors can improve your attention levels

According to a study published in the Psychological Science academic journal, interactions with nature allows the brain to have a break from everyday over-stimulation. This in turn results in a restorative effect on one’s attention levels, bringing improved focus and mental health. So why not consider a trip to the countryside for a short getaway?

The outdoors helps you to recover from injury and illness more quickly

Some studies have suggested that nature helps a person to recover from injury and illness more quickly. For instance, a 2005 study by the University of Pittsburgh found that spinal surgery patients who had greater exposure to natural light tended to take fewer pain medications and experienced less stress than patients who did not. Another study found that patients in rooms with nature views went home sooner than patients in rooms that had more urban views. This benefit is especially helpful for seniors, who tend to take a longer time than most to recover from illnesses. Also, the longer a senior stays ill or injured, the more dangerous complications tend to develop. As such, it is ideal for seniors to make full use of this health benefit to ensure that they recover from any injury or illness in the fastest time possible.








How to Have a Healthy Thanksgiving

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, everyone is busy coming up with a menu for the big feast. Thanksgiving is famous for being all about overindulgence and eating, but it can be a stressful experience for those who need to be careful about what they eat, such as seniors and diabetics, or even just for individuals who are highly health conscious, since Thanksgiving meals tend to be rather high in unhealthy substances such as sodium, sugar and fat.

Of course, it is not a good solution to completely skip the festivities just because you are afraid of weight gain or if you are worried about there not being anything that you are able to eat. Believe it or not, it is actually possible for you to enjoy the holiday and stay healthy at the same time. Here are some simple but effective tips for you to enjoy a healthy thanksgiving.

Making Healthier Food Choices

Watch your portions

If you can, try to limit yourself to just one plate. This helps to prevent over-stuffing yourself. Sample small portions of each dish, and avoid going back for seconds if you can. In the case that you are tempted to return for seconds, wait for about 20 minutes to half an hour first. This is because it takes a while to feel full, and after waiting for about 20 minutes you may find that you no longer want to go for seconds.

Don’t gobble down your food

Since it takes a while for you to feel full, try to eat slowly. If you gobble all your food down, you probably won’t feel satiated even after you have cleared your plate. This increases your likelihood of going back for seconds even though you have in fact already eaten a lot.

Have breakfast in the morning

Some may think that it is a good idea to skip breakfast in the morning in order to save up calories for the big feast. This is a common misconception. By skipping your morning meal, you will be ravenous by the time the Thanksgiving feast comes around, and you are likely to end up overeating. To avoid this, you should have a small breakfast so that you will have more control over your appetite. Including some protein and fiber in your breakfast will also help to take the edge of your appetite.

Stay properly hydrated

Ensure that you drink adequate water throughout the day. Not being properly hydrated will result in thirst, which is often mistaken as hunger pangs. This will cause you to overeat as well.

Make healthy substitutions

Thanksgiving dishes tend to be richer and more filling than your everyday fare, but here are some healthy substitutions and choices you can make in order to have a healthier Thanksgiving meal. These are especially ideal for seniors and diabetic, and for any individuals who need to watch their diet.

  • Instead of eating the dark meat with skin, opt for the white meat without the skin. When you make this substitution, the same 6oz portion of turkey can have a difference of 190 calories and 17g of fat.
  • Use fat-free chicken broth to baste the turkey, and in your gravy.
  • Don’t add the marshmallows on your sweet potatoes. You can choose to add other spices such as cinnamon and nutmeg to keep things flavorful. This helps to reduce your caloric intake by about 100 calories.
  • Skip the pecan pie for dessert. Instead, you can go for healthier dessert options such as a pumpkin pie. This cuts more than 100 calories from your Thanksgiving meal.
  • Use fruit purees instead of oil in your baked goods.
  • Try using plain yogurt or fat-free sour cream when making your creamy dips, mashed potatoes, or casseroles.
  • Make your own cranberries, instead of going for the jellied cranberry sauce. This saves you more than 100 calories.

Healthy Thanksgiving activities

Aside from making healthier food choices, you can also choose to engage in some healthy Thanksgiving activities in order to neutralize the effects of the rich and calorie-dense meal.

Socialize during the meal

Instead of focusing on the food, engage in conversation with your friends and family. After all, you can’t talk and eat at the same time!

Volunteer to help clean up

Instead of spending your time finishing up the leftovers or going back for seconds or thirds, why not volunteer to help your host clean up? This not only helps to take your attention away from the food, but the physical act of cleaning up itself will also help you to burn some calories. Not to mention, your host will definitely appreciate the gesture.

Plan a post-meal walk

After enjoying your scrumptious meal, go for a post-meal walk together. A brisk walk will help you to burn some calories. It is also a great opportunity to get some fresh air and to bond with your friends and family.

Plan to work out the next morning

Most people will feel bloated the lethargic the day after Thanksgiving. Instead of lazing around the house, plan a work out. The knowledge that you have committed to burn off the extra calories the day after allows you to feel less guilty when indulging during your Thanksgiving meal. What’s more, knowing that you have an early-morning workout the next morning might keep you from reaching for that additional glass of wine!

If you are worried that you will not have the discipline to keep to your morning workout, schedule a fitness date with a friend for that morning. You can then keep each other accountable, and you won’t be able to bail!








10 Easy and Natural Exercises to Help Keep Your Brain in Shape

One of the most common myths about aging is that memory loss and impaired brain function is inherent in the process. While aging is inevitable, cognitive decline is not and there are many simple steps seniors and older individuals can take to keep their brains in tip-top shape for years to come. By adopting these simple exercises and habits, it’s easy to keep your brain sharp and alert at any age.

1) Journaling

Did you know that something as simple as journaling can help keep your brain sharp? Since writing involves carrying out a physical action to form letters and make meaning, the simple act of hand-writing something has been shown to sharpen mental function, activating and honing the parts of our brains that are responsible for memory and language formation.

This is not true for typing on a keyboard, however, since the act of pressing a key doesn’t trigger the same brain activity.  In order to get all the brain benefits writing has to offer, try to make it a daily practice. You don’t have to spend hours writing, either – a simple 15 or 20 minutes of jotting down your thoughts every morning is more than enough to trigger enhanced mental function and keep your brain sharp.

2) Take short naps

In addition to being good for your body, a short nap is also fantastic for your brain. According to a study conducted by Rosalind Cartwright ad Dr. Alon Avidan, chairmen of the psychology department at Rush University and director of the sleep disorders program at UCLA, respectively, a power nap of 15-20 minutes each day can improve memory and overall cognitive ability. Be careful to keep your naps short, though, so that you don’t fall into a deep sleep and risk throwing off your circadian rhythms for the following night’s sleep.

3) Stay hydrated

The human brain is roughly 85% comprised of water and you can bet that if you get dehydrated, it’s going to affect your brain function first and foremost.  With that in mind, drinking plenty of water (at least 8-10 glasses a day, and more for seniors who take diuretics) is a great way to stay mentally sharp and keep the brain functioning well at every stage of life.

Staying hydrated doesn’t just mean water, though. According to one study, drinking plenty of fruit and vegetable juice can protect against Alzheimer’s disease, so if you want to reduce the risk of cognitive decline it’s wise to supplement your water intake with plenty of high-quality juices.

4) Play music

Most people know that learning and practicing a musical instrument enhances overall brain function but few people know that learning to play an instrument is one of the best ways to create new neural pathways and to enhance the body’s dopamine levels, both of which lead to better moods, decreased depressive symptoms and enhanced mental function.

5) Shake up your routine

Switching up your daily routine is a little bit like alternating your physical workouts. When you change what you do at the gym everyday, your body has to work more efficiently and stay on its toes, which creates better physical function and produces better fitness results.

The same thing goes for the brain – by switching up your daily routine, you keep your brain alert and functioning at a high level. You don’t need to turn your days on their heads to do this effectively, either. By simply making small changes to your routine a few times a week, like showering in the evening rather than the morning or checking your emails at a different time, you can produce new brain connections and feel more alert and focused throughout the day. While they may seem small, simple changes to your daily routine can be surprisingly effective at encouraging your brain to stay sharp and active.

6) Get enough sleep

Getting enough sleep is a lot like getting enough water – it’s absolutely imperative to your brain’s overall function. During deep sleep, the brain solidifies and stores memories, which means that getting enough sleep is absolutely imperative to fending off memory loss and normal cognitive decline. Poor or inadequate sleep leads to poor memory and learning and can contribute to new or worsening dementia-like symptoms.

Additionally, not getting enough sleep can make you feel sluggish, sad, forgetful or confused, which makes it tough to execute your daily tasks effectively. To reap all the benefits of a great night’s sleep, shoot to get at least 7-9 hours per night.

7) Get enough aerobic exercise

Some scientists believe that regular aerobic exercise helps improve memory. This means that activities like jogging, brisk walking, or swimming are some of the best ways to keep your brain healthy and functioning well. To take advantage of everything exercise has to offer, aim to squeeze in at least 30 minutes of mild to moderate activity every other day. This will help keep your brain sharp, improve your thinking skills, and help keep your body limber and healthy.

8) Eat a varied diet

You are what you eat and it’s impossible for the body to function well without adequate nutrition. With this in mind, it’s important to eat a low glycemic diet that’s high in fiber and good fats and proteins. This creates a steady digestive process and provides the brain with a reliable, adequate stream of energy on which to function, thereby optimizing mental function and creating a sharper and more alert mindset all day.

9) Enjoy moderate caffeine intake

While the medical wisdom surrounding caffeine intake has always been tumultuous, more evidence is stating that mild caffeine intake may protect the brain from cognitive decline. According to current science, drinking between 2-4 cups of coffee or caffeinated tea each day can help protect you from cognitive decline while also providing an important boost of antioxidants that help protect your body from harmful free radicals.

10) De-stress

Stress is very damaging for the entire body – including the brain. Because stress floods the brain with harmful chemicals, it can actually interrupt the formation of new memories. With this in mind, it’s important to limit sources of stress wherever possible. Practicing a calming activity like yoga or tai chi can be a great way to do this, as can a daily walk or spending time with friends. While it may not seem like an obvious danger to your brain, stress can impair mental function more than many people think.

While aging is inevitable, getting mentally dull doesn’t have to be. With these simple exercises, you can keep your brain sharp and ensure high-class mental function for many years to come.

Help Protect Seniors From Falling at Home

Picture this. Your loved one, an elderly person, has had a fall at home, at the mall, or anyplace else. Let’s not consider the severity of the fall for now, but what is the first thing you would think? What is the first thing you would do? Most people would simply assume that the senior is having some problems with mental health or eyesight, hence impairing their ability to coordinate balance and movement. Some may also assume that the senior simply had a moment of clumsiness and just offer tips to prevent falls at home. These are not impossible conclusions. They do make perfect sense, but it is important to know that there can be other underlying reasons for the fall. Simply jumping to conclusions and attributing the fall to mental health problems could result in the underlying health issue not being picked up on, and left to worsen over time.

The Massachusetts General Hospital Study

Dr. Farrin Manian is a clinician educator in the Massachusetts General Hospital’s division of general medicine in Boston. He is also the principal investigator of a Massachusetts General Hospital study regarding infections and falls in the elderly.

The study involved 161 patients who were treated in the Massachusetts General Hospital emergency room for a fall. All 161 of these patients were later also diagnosed with an underlying infection. Of these, 44.1 percent had a urinary tract infection, 39.8 percent had a bloodstream infection, 23 percent had a respiratory infection and 5.6 percent had an infection of the heart valve.

Initially, experts did not suspect an underlying infection in more than 40 percent of the patients. This may be due to the fact that many of these patients only had one or no common signs of an infection (common signs of an infection include a rapid heart rate, an abnormal white blood cell count, and fever). As such, it is apparent that it is highly likely for the underlying infection to be missed if family members or caregivers do not know what exactly to look out for when dealing with an elderly person who has had a fall.

Other research has also suggested that between 20 percent and 45 percent of falls are caused by infection, although this is often not picked up on. This is because most relatives, health care workers and caregivers don’t associate falls with possible illness. Instead, most people would attribute it to clumsiness or other mental health issues.

How exactly does an infection cause falls?

Now you may be wondering how exactly an infection could lead to a fall. There may not seem like there is an obvious link between the two, but the explanation is simple really. According to researchers involved in the Massachusetts General Hospital study, infections can lower blood pressure. This will result in feelings of lightheadedness and dizziness, which then increase the person’s risk of falling. This effect is worsened in elderly persons because illnesses can also increase confusion in older people, especially in the cases of those who are also suffering from dementia.

According to Dr. Farrin Manian, he was inspired to conduct the study because he had realized, over the years, that some of the more serious infections he had treated were in people who had come to the hospital because they had had a fall.

Prevalence of falls amongst elderly persons

According to the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 2.5 million elderly persons end up in American emergency rooms each year as a result of falls. Of these 2.5 million, less than a third require hospitalization consequentially. The death rate of these falls has also increased between the years 2004 and 2013, from 41 deaths per year for every 100, 000 people to 57 deaths every year for the same number of people.

With such a large number of cases of elderly falls every year, it is important to be informed that there could be a huge range of causes behind the falling – it might not just be a bout of clumsiness or failing eyesight.

Is there anything I can do to help my loved ones?

Of course, it is important to maintain regular health checkups to ensure that no infections or other health problems go unnoticed. This can also prevent any falling due to undetected bouts of infection, which is important because serious injuries such as fractures may result when elderly persons take a fall.

However, if your loved one has already had a fall, it is essential that you don’t jump straight to conclusions and assume that the fall was due to clumsiness, eyesight problems, mental health problems, or other reasons. It is important that you consider all possibilities, and get a full health checkup conducted if possible, so as to detect any underlying health problems. It would also be useful to ask the senior how he or she felt before the accident. If he or she reports feeling lightheaded or dizzy before the fall, it is possible that there is an infection, which should be checked out right away before things get worse.









How To Make Your Next Trip To The Supermarket Healthier

When people toy with the idea of changing up their eating habits and having a healthier diet, they are usually daunted by the task. Let us tell you now that it is in fact extremely easy to have a healthier diet. All you have to do is to make a few different choices during your next trip to the grocery store and you would have achieved your goal. The following are some tips on how to easily make your next grocery shopping trip healthier.

Make a grocery list

It is very helpful to make a shopping list before heading to the grocery store. This way, you know exactly what you need to buy, and you won’t have to walk down every single aisle. This ensures that you do not buy more than you need, and you will also be less tempted to purchase any additional unhealthy snacks.

Of course, you should then make sure that you follow your list, as much as possible. It also helps if you do not shop hungry, because that only increases your tendency to purchase additional unnecessary items.

Look for high-fiber foods

Dietary fiber is an important part of your diet. It can help to lower your bad cholesterol levels, control your blood glucose levels, and also maintain good bowel health. In other words, it is a necessary part of a healthy lifestyle. You can obtain your dietary fibers from a wide variety of foods, but some of the richest and most convenient sources of dietary fiber include fruit and vegetables. For instance, having a meal containing carrots, potatoes and peas, or having an apple for a midday snack, ensures that you get your daily requirement for dietary fiber.

Shop the perimeter of the store

This may seem a little silly to you at first, but think about it. Have you ever noticed that the perimeter of the store is where the healthier foods are? Because of that, the perimeter is where the majority of your purchases should come from. Of course, you don’t have to buy 100% of your food from the perimeter. A good ratio is to get 70% of your purchases from the perimeter, and allow yourself about 30% from the center aisles. This is really one of the easiest ways to ensure that you are purchasing healthy foods. Skipping the middle aisles ensures that you won’t be tempted to buy junk foods such as chips and cookies.

Look for short ingredient lists

Before purchasing an item, have a quick look at its ingredient list. If it has a long ingredient list, set it back on the shelf and look for an alternative with a shorter ingredient list. A professor of nutrition at New York University, Marion Nestle, has said that ‘almost always, the shorter the better’. Do note that we are talking about the ‘Ingredient’ list and not the ‘Nutrition Facts’ list. This is because when packaged foods have long ingredient lists, most of the time these ingredients are mostly various kinds of sugars and chemical additives. In simple terms, the more ingredients there are, the more processed the product probably is, and you would be better off avoiding it.

Be as colorful as possible

No, we don’t mean what you’re wearing. Making your cart and your purchases as colorful as possible ensures that you are getting some variety in your diet. The University of North Dakota recommends that you eat fruit and vegetables from all over the color spectrum. This is because different natural colors in foods usually indicate the presence of different vitamins. For example, orange plants contain carotenoids and green plants are good sources of folate. So if you ensure that you get foods of different colors, you will know that you are getting a good range of nutrients and vitamins in your diet.

Take note of serving sizes

Serving sizes can be quite misleading. The labels on the front of food packaging usually represent only one serving and not the entire package. This is a marketing trick to make you think you are getting fewer calories than you really are. For example, a candy bar might say 100 calories on the front, but it may actually contain two servings, which would mean that the bar really contains 200 calories. To avoid getting tricked, make sure that you check the ‘serving size’ line at the back of the package.

Avoid watery foods

When a food product uses water as a major ingredient, you can almost always be sure that the food will contain a long list of additives and chemicals. This is especially so in the case of soups and even salad dressings. Since oil and water don’t mix, the manufacturers have to use a bunch of additives to hold everything together. Also, manufacturers have to add a lot of chemicals to give the water some taste and texture. Because of that, you would be better off choosing an alternative product instead as ingesting too many chemicals and additives is not good for your health.

Avoid meats that are high in fat

Yes, it is always good to have some meat in your diet. This is because meat is a great source of protein, which is important for muscle maintenance and growth. However, not all meats are equal. Some meats are high in saturated fat, and you should try to avoid those kinds of meats. For example, Michigan State University suggested eating goat meat as a lower-fat alternative. This is because goat meat typically contains only half as much fat as beef, and about 40% less saturated fat than chicken. Of course, we are not saying that you cannot eat beef or chicken. You can still do so, but it may be a good idea to choose certain cuts of meat over others. For instance, chicken breast contains less saturated fat than the thigh does.











Medication Management: 10 Helpful Tips and Tricks for Managing Your Medication

As people age, it’s not uncommon for doctors to prescribe a complex series of medications to manage existing health conditions and prevent new ones from arising. While these medications may be helpful, the task of remembering which medications to take every day can be overwhelming for seniors.

In addition to making medication schedules difficult to remember, polypharmacy (taking multiple medications to manage various health conditions) presents a unique set of drug interaction dangers that can pose health threats to seniors and aging adults.  When multiple medications are prescribed at separate times and for separate conditions, the risk of adverse drug interactions increases.

According to the American Geriatrics Society, each year more than 30% of seniors in the United States have an negative reaction to their prescription medication. Most commonly, these reactions are caused by missing doses of medication or accidentally doubling up on doses of medication. In order to prevent these problems from occurring and to limit the chance of adverse interactions between prescription medications, it’s imperative that seniors develop and maintain a good medication management plan that will allow them to effectively manage each of their different prescription medications.

Here are some ideas to help you develop a plan that works for you.

Tips for Remembering to Take Your Medication

  • Use a pill box.

    A pill box that is marked with the days of the week is a great way to keep track of which medications you need to take on a daily basis. If you take different doses of medication in the morning and night, you can designate a box for each time (a dark-colored one for night and a light-colored one for day, for example). In order to ensure that you’re filling your boxes correctly, keep a chart that details your daily medication schedule and carefully consult this chart when you fill the boxes each week.

  • Incorporate your medications into your routine.

    If you have a busy schedule, it can be extra difficult to remember to take your medication at the correct time. Because of this, it can be helpful to link your medications into your daily routine. For example, you brush get into the habit of taking your pills immediately after you brush your teeth in the morning or right after you brush them at night. By picking a routine daily activity and using it as a reminder to take your medication, you create a new habit that goes a long way toward helping you remember your pills.

  • Give yourself reminders.

    One of the easiest ways to ensure you’re taking your medication at the right times is to place a sticky note on your mirror, kitchen cupboard or steering wheel to remind yourself to take your meds. If it is difficult for you to remember whether you’ve already taken your pills, keep a calendar in a convenient location and mark the days off in a brightly colored marker each time you take your pills.

  • Use an alarm.

    You probably use an alarm clock to wake up in the morning so why not use one to remind yourself to take your medications? You can easily set an alarm on your phone, your watch or your actual alarm clock to remind you when it’s time to take your meds.

  • Use a medical alert device.

    If you need more help remembering to take your meds, consider using an alarmed medication reminder, which can remind you to take your pills or to head to a doctor’s appointment.

  • Enlist home care.

    For seniors who have a difficult time remembering to take their medications, a home care aide may be an ideal solution. In addition to helping you remember your medications, a home care aid can also help complete daily household tasks, assist you in getting to doctor’s appointments and handle some of the daily cooking and cleaning.

Tips for Protecting Yourself from Dangerous Drug Interactions

  • Keep a detailed list.

    Even if you always remember to take your medications, it can still be difficult to remember which medications your taking and how many you’ll need to refill every time you head to the pharmacist. Therefore, it’s wise to keep a detailed list of each medication you’re taking, including herbal supplements, over-the-counter medication and any prescription drugs. In addition to helping you keep track of your own medication, this list is can also be taken to doctor visits in order to ensure that you’re getting the correct medications and that your risk for drug interactions remains low.

  • Communicate with your doctor.

    Doctors do the best they can to get you the correct medication, but sometimes prescription drugs have unforeseen reactions. Because of this, it’s wise to stay in good contact with your doctor. Don’t hesitate to call if you feel that you are having an adverse reaction to medication or if you’re concerned that your medications aren’t interacting well together. The doctor may be able to prescribe you a different medication or look for alternative therapy options to help you feel better. One-third of all seniors haven’t talked to a doctor about all of their prescription medications for the last year. Don’t let yourself be a statistic – keep in contact with your doctor to ensure your medications are as safe and effective as they were the day they were prescribed.

  • Ask to minimize medications.

    When you meet with your doctor, ask if there is anything you can do to minimize the number of medications you take on a daily basis. The doctor may be able to suggest a non-pharmacological treatment that makes more sense or can replace a pill. If this is not possible, the doctor may still be able to limit the number of medications you have to take more than once each day. The fewer the pills you take, the lower your risk of adverse reactions to your medication.

  • Pick one pharmacy and stick to it.

    If you’re taking several medications and each of them is filled by a different pharmacy, it can feel impossible to keep track of it all. For this reason, it’s wise to pick one pharmacy and use it for all of your prescription needs. This can help prevent negative drug interactions and make filling your prescriptions a one-stop event. Once you’ve chosen your pharmacy, ask if they offer an auto-refill service. Most pharmacies do and many even offer a phone reminder when it’s time to come pick up your next round of medications. Finally, choosing one pharmacy allows you to develop a relationship with the pharmacist, who can be a valuable ally in your care. Don’t hesitate to ask your pharmacist questions if you have concerns about your medication. Although a pharmacist doesn’t replace your doctor, they can be an important resource for medication-related questions and concerns.

The Case for Medication Management: How it Can Help You Lead a Healthier Life

As you age, it’s likely that you’ll begin taking prescription medications to treat symptoms and remain healthy and active. While prescription medications are often helpful and needed, they can create a frustrating daily routine that is difficult to keep track of. If you take several medications each day, developing and utilizing a good medication management plan is an imperative step in ensuring that you stay healthy for years to come.

Because medications can interact badly with one another, creating a medication management plan does more than just helps you stay organized: it also helps you stay safe. By knowing which medications you’re taking, you can take charge of your own health care and help ensure that you remain at low risk for adverse drug interactions. When prescription medications are taken correctly, they can help seniors and aging adults lead vibrant lives in their golden years and when you develop a medication management plan that works for you, it can take a huge burden out of your life and free you up to worry about more important things – like spending time with friends and family.

10 Unique Tips That Will Help You Survive the Endless Allergy Season

What is allergy season?

When warmer weather comes around, so do seasonal allergies, which are also commonly referred to as hay fever. An estimated 35 million Americans start to sneeze and suffer from stuffed and inflamed sinuses, amongst other symptoms. This is because the warm weather brings about more airborne allergens in the form of pollens and molds. The allergy season is worsened when there is a higher than usual level of rainfall in winter and spring.

Who is at risk during the allergy season?

Everyone faces the possibility of suffering from allergies during allergy season, but the allergy season presents a few unique challenges for seniors in particular. This is because the pollens in the air can aggravate any existing cardiac and pulmonary conditions the seniors may have. Also, although the average person can rely on anti-histamines to minimize the effects of allergies, anti-histamines are not recommended for a large proportion of the senior population. This is because anti-histamines may increase blood pressure, and has a high chance of interacting with other medications that the seniors may be taking. As such, seniors need to rely on other methods of treatment in order to address seasonal allergies.

How to help seniors get through the allergy season safely?

Fortunately, there are a number of preventative measures we can take to help seniors get through the allergy season safely and successfully.

1) Avoid allergens and molds as much as possible

If you have the habit of taking frequent walks in the park or on hiking trails, try to switch your walking venue to the local shopping mall or other indoor locations. This way, you minimize your exposure to airborne allergens and molds. You can always switch back to walking outdoors when allergy season is over.

2) Avoid grassy areas

If you simply have to walk outside, try your best to avoid grassy areas or areas with lots of foliage. In particular, try to avoid areas with freshly mown grass. One good place to have outdoor activities during allergy season is the beach. The beach tends to have much lower pollen counts as compared to the mountains or other grassy areas. By doing this, you can minimize your exposure to pollens and other allergens even though you are walking outdoors. Of course, it is always safest to minimize your time outdoors while the allergy season is still on-going.

3) Keep your windows closed

This applies mostly to the nighttime since it might get too stuffy in your home if you keep the windows closed throughout the allergy season. By closing your windows at night, you can prevent pollens or molds from drifting into your home while you sleep.

4) Keep your car windows up while driving

Similar to the previous tip, it is advisable to keep your car windows up while you are driving. This ensures that pollens, mold, and other allergens will not drift into your car while you are on the road.

5) Use the air conditioner and dehumidifier

Make use of your air conditioner and dehumidifiers to keep the air in your homes clean, cool and dry. This minimizes the amount of pollen and mold in your homes, which will then minimize the symptoms of seasonal allergies.

6) Be aware of the local pollen count

Pollen counts fluctuate from day to day. If you stay aware of the local pollen count, you can plan your daily activities accordingly. For instance, you can know to avoid outdoor activities on days when the pollen count is high.

7) Wear a respiratory mask

If you absolutely need to be outdoors for long periods of time, try to wear a paper respiratory mask. This will help to reduce your exposure to airborne allergens. This is especially important on days when the pollen count is high.

8) Use the clothes dryer

It is advisable to use the clothes dryer instead of drying your clothing and linens on the line outdoors. Although line-dried clothing may have a wonderful “fresh” scent, they may also have a lot of pollens and mold collected on them.

9) Take a shower after being outdoors

After spending some time outdoors, it is possible that there is some pollen or mold clinging to your clothing, skin and hair. As such, it is a good idea to take a shower and have a change of clothes after entering your house, so as to ensure a minimal amount of pollen and mold in your home.

10) Recognize the symptoms and know when to seek medical assistance

While it is good to take note of all the available preventative measures, it is also important to be aware of which symptoms to look out for, and to know what to do when symptoms start to show. Even if your loved one has never been known to suffer season allergies in the past, it is still important to be on the lookout for traditional signs of allergies such as sneezing, coughing, itchy eyes, and a runny nose. If you spot any of these symptoms, alert their physician immediately. Rapid and aggressive treatment is the best way to cure seasonal allergies in a senior. It is also good to be aware of treatment options – like we have mentioned earlier, the regularly-used anti-histamines may not be an appropriate form of treatment for seniors. It is important that you know which treatment options are more appropriate.










How to Help Prevent Memory Loss as You Age

One of the most dreaded side-affects of aging is memory loss. People who have lived through seeing a loved one with Alzheimer’s or severe dementia know that memory loss can be heartbreaking both for the person affected and his or her family.

Fortunately, memory loss doesn’t have to be a reality of aging.

Symptoms of Memory Loss

As people age, their loved ones often joke about “senior moments.” These moments of forgetfulness – misplaced keys, forgotten grocery store items, etc. – are a normal part of the aging process, but there is a definitive line between routine forgetfulness and warning signs of memory loss.

As people age, a set of physiological changes begin that cause routine, short-lived glitches in brain function. With age, it may take longer to recall information and new topics may be more difficult to learn. The differentiating factor, however, is that the memory or attention does return. For example, a person may be giving directions to a home and suddenly forget a street name. Although that person may not be able to remember the name at that exact moment, it will most likely come back to him or her later that day.

Memory loss, on the other hand, manifests in more pronounced and startling ways. People may not recognize their loved ones or may forget the name of their spouse. They may get lost in familiar areas, routinely forget very simple words or garble their speech. They may act in socially inappropriate ways or make poor choices in respect to safety. Moreover, they may not remember previous incidences of memory loss and may deny altogether that their mental function is impaired.

Causes of Memory Loss

When it comes to the causes of memory loss, there are reversible and irreversible causes. Irreversible causes include dementia and Alzheimer’s. While the symptoms of these conditions can be temporarily alleviated and treated through proper nutrition and mediation, they are not ultimately curable. Reversible causes, on the other hand, include the following:

B12 Deficiency

Vitamin B12 is an amazingly important nutrient. In addition to protecting the neurons in the human brain, it also supports normal, healthy brain function. Because of this, a B12 deficiency can lead to brain damage, impaired brain function and eventual memory loss. Fortunately, B12 deficiency can be reversed if it is detected early. People who smoke or drink in excess are at increased risk for B12 deficiency and may have to undergo monthly B12 injections to replenish their levels.


Dehydration is a prominent problem in aging adults and seniors. Severe dehydration can easily create symptoms, such as drowsiness, slurred words and memory loss, which look like dementia or confusion. Fortunately, by drinking 6-8 glasses of water each day, older adults can decrease their risk of severe dehydration and associated memory loss. Those who take diuretics or laxatives may need to drink more water to offset the affects of their medications.

Thyroid Issues

Because the thyroid controls metabolic function, it is directly related to memory. When a person’s metabolism is too slow, sluggishness and depression take hold. When a metabolism is too fast, however, people often feel confused. When thyroid problems are severe, they may lead to forgetfulness and an inability to concentrate. Fortunately, medication and proper treatment can often alleviate these symptoms.


Severe depression can easily create symptoms that closely resemble memory loss. People with depressive symptoms may find it difficult to concentrate, organize their lives or remember important things. Fortunately, the symptoms of severe depression and associated memory loss can often be reversed through proper medication, counseling and increased social activity.

Side Effects of Common Medications

People who take three or more drugs are at increased risk of impaired cognitive function. Because medications interact with one another in complex and often unpredictable ways, they can easily affect cognitive function and may result in memory loss. Because older adults absorb medication more slowly, these side effects are often more pronounced. Fortunately, removing certain medications or trading them out for medications that interact better with the other medications can often mitigate these symptoms.


Preventing Memory Loss

For people not affected by dementia, most memory loss is avoidable or reversible. Because memory loss is often the result of deficiencies in the body, the first line of defense is to keep the aging individual as healthy and active as possible. Follow these tips to safeguard against memory loss:


Exercise is one of the most important factors in combatting memory loss. Regular physical activity encourages brain growth and lays the foundation for new brain cells. Additionally, routine exercise reduces the risk of other physical conditions, such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease, which may lead to memory loss. Finally, exercise also boosts endorphins, reduces stress and helps manage depressive symptoms, which can lead to a healthier, more resilient brain.

Be Social

People who withdraw from their social circles are at increased risk for memory loss. The reason behind this is that face-to-face interaction with friends and loved ones forms new memories, keeps the brain active and reduces stress. Visiting friends or taking part in community events is a great way to support healthy brain function and ensure that the brain stays sharp and active during the aging process.

Stop Smoking

Because smoking impairs the transport of nutrients to the brain, people who smoke are at very high risk of memory loss. Additionally, smoking increases the risk of vascular problems, which may impede the transfer of blood to the brain, thus resulting in memory loss and poor cognitive function.

Eat Well

Nutrition is a huge factor in preventing memory loss and seniors with healthy, well-rounded diets are much less likely to experience memory loss than their less-nutritious counterparts. Foods rich in antioxidants (Green tea and vegetables) are ideal for keeping the brain active and alert while omega-3 fatty acids, found in foods like salmon, tuna, walnuts and flaxseed, support healthy memory and brain building.

Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is an absolute necessity for healthy brain function. Because the brain processes and solidifies new memories during sleep, people who don’t get enough quality, uninterrupted sleep are subject to higher rates of memory loss than those who do. For the best brain-boosting benefits, sleep at least 8 hours per night and sneak in a nap during the day if possible.

Keep the Brain Active

Simple activities like playing strategy games (chess, bridge, Scrabble, etc.), reading, learning a new language, musical instrument or skill or completing a craft project are wonderful for keeping the brain healthy and active. The brain is a “use it or lose it” organ and people who routinely give their brains a workout are less likely to experience age-related memory loss.

Although memory loss is a frightening prospect, it doesn’t have to be a reality for everyone. By knowing the causes of memory loss and being proactive about preventing it, seniors can stay healthy and mentally sharp throughout their later years.

10 Warning Signs of A Heart Attack You Should Never Ignore

Heart attacks are becoming more common especially after the development in scientific research. What people perceived as common chest pains, are now more distinctly categorized as types of heart attacks. Myocardial Infarction commonly known as heart attack is an episode that occurs due the stoppage of blood flow into a part of the heart. It can cause considerable damage to the heart muscle.

Each year, a considerable number of people fall victim to heart attacks despite the technological advancements in the field of medicine. However, it is found that the number of deaths due to heart attacks have reduced after recent advancements in medical science. People are now much more careful with their health regarding heart attacks and have become more conscious of conditions that possibly lead to heart attacks.

Is Death the Ultimate Result?

There are different degrees according to the severity of these attacks and not all heart attacks lead to death. However, no such episode is less painful and patients having gone through one such attack are more at risk of experiencing another. The risk however, can be minimized if proper precautionary measures are taken in advance.

Types of Heart Attacks

Based on the severity of attacks, heart attacks are classified as following:

  • Coronary Artery Spasmis a type of heart attack where the walls of blood arteries tighten to such an extent that it ceases blood supply to the heart. It is not easily discoverable. However, calcium channel blockers and nitrates can help treat the heart disorder
  • NSTEMI Heart Attacks result due to temporary and partial blockage of a coronary artery. It can be treated through angioplasty.
  • STEMI Heart Attacks can result due to complete blockage of a coronary artery which results in a malfunctioning of a major part of heart muscle. It is a serious type of heart attack and therefore emergency treatments involve drugs such as ‘thrombolytics’.
  • Demand Ischemia is a unique type of heart attack where a patient experiences shortage of oxygen in the blood. It often results due to infections and fast heart rates.

Are there any signs?

There are some common and obvious signs of a heart attack. These signs may seem minor and are therefore often ignored by people. This is also one big reason of the commonness of heart attacks in the world today. This article is intended to help common people and the medical field personnel to understand the basic symptoms and potential signs of a heart attack.

Before discussing these signs, there are some questions that you should ask yourself:

  • Do I smoke? Around 20% to 22% of coronary artery diseases are caused due to smoking. It includes tobacco smoking and secondhand smoke i.e. too much exposure to air pollution.
  • Did my ancestors have any history with heart attacks? If the answer is ‘Yes’, then you are more at risk of having one for yourself. Around 25 genetic variants are discovered to have been associated with heart attacks.
  • Is my general health fine? Heart attacks can also result as a consequence of other health issues such as diabetes, blood pressure problems, obesity, cholesterol and others.
  • Am I a man? In case you are, you face a higher risk as compared to women. The fact is not as concerning as it may sound but as a person ages, the chances of experiencing a heart attack also increase.

Some of these risk factors can be controlled while others are non-negotiable. In any case, precautionary measures can help reduce these risks.

Signs of a Heart Attack

As discussed before, there are some obvious and common signs that indicate to any possibility of heart attacks. Some of these major signs are mentioned below with brief and relevant details.

Heart Burn and Digestive Issues

Heart burn is a digestive disorder that results due to the opening of esophageal sphincter. During a heart burn episode, a person experiences sever pain in the chest. It normally happens to people who lie down immediately after having a meal. It can also cause stomach pains and vomits.  People who experience frequent heart burn episodes are at risk of experiencing a heart attack.

On some occasions, heart attacks are also mistaken for another such chest pain episodes and therefore, it is recommended that patients should consult medical experts once they are faced with such problems.

Pain in the Left side of the Body

It is one of the classic signs of a heart attack. A person may experience pain in the left side of the body. It generally rises in the left arm but on many occasions, it can run down the entire body. Normally, it is mistaken for a regular muscle pain and thereby ignored but it is one of the most common symptoms of a heart attack. Therefore, in case a person suffers pain in the left side of the body only especially the arm, there is a probability that a heart attack is around the corner.  The best way to avoid any severe consequences is to get immediate treatment and medical consultancy.

Quick Exhaustion

This is also a major symptom of a heart attack. In case you get tired too soon, you may be at risk of a heart attack. Try analyzing as to how quickly you get tired while doing some of the daily life activities like walking, climbing stairs, jogging and others, etc. Complete analysis of your daily life fatigue and exhaustion period can help you identify how much risk you face. Consult your medical advisors and doctors about your fatigue. It can reduce down any possible chances of a heart attack and thereby improve your health conditions as well.

Unstoppable Coughing

This is a symptom which is more common in those who already suffer from heart problems. They need to pay special attention and consult medical experts for it. Generally patients are faced with episodes where they do not cease coughing.  In severe cases, blood coughs are also witnessed. General signs of cough related heart attack symptoms are pinkish white mucus which results due to blood leakage in the lungs. Medications that help with ceasing coughs can help a great deal in overcoming this possible heart attack symptom.

Unusual Sweating

Sweating is pretty normal until it results due to some exercise or hot weather conditions. Some people generally loose much of their body’s liquid in the form of sweat. However, if a person experiences cold sweating for no apparent reasons, it is an alarming situation and immediate actions should be taken. Emergency checkup is most recommended to avoid any severe consequences.

Jaw Pain and Throat Pain

People suffering from sinus are commonly faced with jaw pain. Often it is related to any muscular problems. However, throat pain that initiates from the chest center and creeps up to the throat and then the jaw is one of the obvious signs of a heart attack possibility. Like other symptoms’ treatment, emergency medication and immediate consultation is inevitable for the patients. It can save from any further and much severer damages.


Feeling dizzy can be pretty normal especially after having taken a considerable amount of alcohol but if it happens for no apparent reason, it is the time you consult your medical advisor immediately.  Often this dizziness is accompanied by chest pains and gasping for breath. All these signs are alarming enough for a patient to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Swollen Hind Limbs

In case a person feels that the lower limbs are swelling abnormally, it is one of the more obvious indications of a heart attack. It happens as the heart cannot cope up with the demand of blood to the lower body. It also affects the kidneys as well as the urinary bladder. It arises due to a medical phenomenon referred to as ‘Bloating’. The swelling can also cause disturbance while walking and people are generally restricted to bed. Medical advisors should be consulted immediately to avoid any sever consequences.

Rapid Heart Beat

A stable heart beat is a sign of healthy heart. In case the heart rate disturbs too much or there is a big difference in average and recorded heartbeat, it is a possible sign of a heart attack. Many heart attack cases are reported to have had a cause that was directly or indirectly related to the inconsistency of the patient’s heartbeat. Therefore, heartbeat should be checked on regular basis and any abnormality should be reported to the doctor immediately to keep from a possible heart attack.


One can never predict as to how loud or softly he or she snores while sleeping. Loud snoring is also a sign of heart attacks. An external observer can be asked to keep a check on the level of snoring especially for those who suffer from heart problems.


Heart attacks are a common problem in the world today. Most people in the world who suffer from heart attacks are unaware of the possible signs and symptoms of heart attacks and therefore, it should be strictly considered that a patient is kept under observation for all the above mentioned symptoms.